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First Adam--Last Adam

First Adam--Last Adam

Through the first Adam we all are sinners under the penalty of death, but all who are connected with the last Adam through repentance and faith have passed from death to life.
11 May, 2011
Can compromisers really be saved?

Can compromisers really be saved?

A person can compromise on even important doctrines like creation and still be saved.
29 Jan, 2011
Why did God impose the death penalty for sin?

Why did God impose the death penalty for sin?

The measure of God
04 Aug, 2010
Why did Jesus die

Why did Jesus die

Many evangelicals think that the creation evolution issue is irrelevant but in fact it is foundational to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
06 Apr, 2010
Wisdom created or Jesus

Wisdom created or Jesus

The Wisdom of God: Jesus or a created thing?
30 Jan, 2010
Glycon Jesus

Glycon Jesus

24 Oct, 2009
Dawkins' Ironic Hypocrisy

Dawkins' Ironic Hypocrisy

Antitheists ridicule creationists for their beliefs, but have some bizarre beliefs themselves, such as Jesus never existed or that germ theory is wrong.
21 Nov, 2008
Defending vital doctrines and the deity of Christ

Defending vital doctrines and the deity of Christ

We answer a US creationist who questions our doctrinal statement about the deity of Christ.
08 Dec, 2007
Naturalistic attacks on the Virginal Birth and Resurrection

Naturalistic attacks on the Virginal Birth and Resurrection

The naturalistic attack on the Virginal Conception and Resurrection. Much of the impetus for reinterpreting Scripture has come from a paranoia that Scripture must conform to standards of naturalism because naturalism has been ‘proven by science.’ In reality, naturalism rests not on a foundation of science, but rather on a foundation of unprovable assumptions.
20 Nov, 2007
Easter's earliest creed

Easter's earliest creed

Easter’s earliest creed
08 Apr, 2007
Is the nativity fact or fiction?

Is the nativity fact or fiction?

Christ’s birth is one of the greatest events in all of history. Can we trust Lukes account of the nativity? Was there a census in Bethlehem at Jesuss birth? Was the nativity historical?
23 Dec, 2006
Da Vinci Code apostate challenges CMI

Da Vinci Code apostate challenges CMI

A reader has used the Da Vinci Code as an excuse for leaving his former professed faith. Dr Sarfati’s response exposes many fallacies of this, and provides advice on how to handle works like Dan Brown’s.
12 Aug, 2006
The Da Vinci Code movie

The Da Vinci Code movie

02 Jun, 2006
The Da Vinci Code: Fiction masquerading as fact

The Da Vinci Code: Fiction masquerading as fact

The Da Vinci Code: Fiction masquerading as fact
18 May, 2006