The portrayal of creationists by their evolutionist detractorsThe writings of prominent evolutionists about creationists are invariably disparaging or misrepresent the creationist position.Article01 Jun, 2012
AgnosticismAgnosticism is uncertainty about God\\s existence. How should Christians respond?Article10 Nov, 2015
Is God obscure and arbitrary in what He wants from us?Answering a skeptic\\s claim that God treats people unfairly.Article25 Jan, 2015
Ool still too hardIn discussing a number of mistakes and fallacies perpetrated by a prominent internet atheist, Don Batten shows a naturalistic origin of life remains practically impossible.Article14 Jul, 2013
Red-blooded evidenceA comparison of blood and seawater mineral composition shows little similarity, which undoes an old textbook argument for evolution.Article25 Aug, 2010
Wonders of Life 1Professor Brian Cox claims that the laws of physics can explain the evolution of life.Article30 Mar, 2013
Cheating with chanceAnalogies like winning the lottery dont rebut the miniscule chance of abiogenesis because, unlike winning a lottery abiogenesis didnt have to happen.Article27 Feb, 2013
Biblical creationistsIf we call ourselves YECs, it permits us to be marginalized by old-EarthersArticle04 Oct, 2011
Historical Adam biologosFrancis Collins and BioLogos have used erroneous assumptions to conclude that genetics disproves a historical Adam and Eve.Article20 Aug, 2011
Smithsonian evolution top 10 consequencesSmithsonian comes up short when it tries to give the top 10 examples of evolutionary consequences.Article05 May, 2011
Strategy of the DevilSatan is alive and well. He uses the same tactics today to cause people to disregard God as he used on Eve in the garden of Eden. What are they?Article22 Sep, 2010
A brief response to anti-creationist booksA brief response to anti-creationist booksArticle23 Dec, 2009
Dawkins' Ironic HypocrisyAntitheists ridicule creationists for their beliefs, but have some bizarre beliefs themselves, such as Jesus never existed or that germ theory is wrong.Article21 Nov, 2008
Naturalistic attacks on the Virginal Birth and ResurrectionThe naturalistic attack on the Virginal Conception and Resurrection. Much of the impetus for reinterpreting Scripture has come from a paranoia that Scripture must conform to standards of naturalism because naturalism has been ‘proven by science.’ In reality, naturalism rests not on a foundation of science, but rather on a foundation of unprovable assumptions.Article20 Nov, 2007