Top Ten Biblical Problems for Young Earth Creationism—AnsweredResponse to top ten biblical problems for creationism video by YouTube apologist Inspiring Philosophy (Michael Jones).Article21 Jan, 2021
Responding to supposed refutations of Genetic EntropyPaul Price, Dr Robert Carter and Dr John Sanford respond to evolutionist scientists regarding Genetic Entropy.Article01 Dec, 2020
Apologetics – a steppingstone, not a crutchAvoid a common pitfall: don’t let apologetics become a crutch for your faith. Let it be a steppingstone over doubts.Article24 Nov, 2020
When we let the doubts winTo trust God again after letting the doubts win, we mustArticle21 Nov, 2020
‘Atheist atrocities fallacy’?Answering the atheist atrocities fallacy charge, which mentions evil atheistic regimes to counter atheistic arguments about Christians behaving badly.Article17 Nov, 2020
Neil DeGrasse Tyson: wrong on God, evil, and miraclesNeil DeGrasse Tyson misunderstands the nature of God, the problem of evil, and the nature of miracles.Article14 Nov, 2020
Eyewitness Testimony is ReliableThe claim that eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable is investigated and refuted.Article10 Nov, 2020
Responding to liberal scholarship on BehemothResponding to the liberal scholarship on the Behemoth of Job 40, who claim Job 40:17 is a euphemistic reference to a bull’s male organs.Article04 Aug, 2020
Red flags regarding Michael HeiserMichael Heiser has a reputation as an Evangelical semitic language scholar, but he departs from Evangelical doctrine in serious waysArticle23 Jul, 2020
Lost World of John WaltonWheaton college professors write a series of books encouraging evangelicals to abandon the biblical understanding of Creation and the Flood as taught by Christ and the NT writers.Article14 Mar, 2019
Why do you just bash evolution?Positive and negative apologetic arguments used by Isaiah and Elijah.Article18 Dec, 2018
Apophenia and designBiology looks designed because it is designed; life is not a case of apophenia.Article02 Nov, 2018
Rebuilding Noahs ArkNoahs Ark could not have been a giant coracle as per the translation of a Babylonian tablet by British Museum curator Irving Finkel.Article12 May, 2015
Braterman slam dunk flunkRebuttal of anti-creationist article by Paul Braterman covering Sahelanthropus, “Evolution is just a theory”, Mike Pence, biogeography, marsupial distributions, mutability, Belyayev tame foxes, and equivocation.Article28 Nov, 2017
Wagging fingerAnswering a critic who scolds creationists for being hateful, hampering science, and rejecting evolution.Article21 May, 2016
Violence and bloodshed religion of atheismAtheism\\\\\’s violent legacy overlooked.Article03 May, 2016