Apollo 8 and Genesis: A Christmas messageChristmas eve broadcast from space by Apollo 8 astronauts clearly makes the connection between Christmas and Creation.Article24 Dec, 2018
OT scholar: Genesis teaches a short timescaleTravis Rick Freeman, Professor of Old Testament, Baptist College of Florida Graceville, Genesis 5 and 11 teach 6,000-year-old earth, no time gaps in genealogiesArticle26 Nov, 2018
Do creationists cherry-pick discordant dates?The fatal flaw with all dating methods means geologists have to change their story after the event.Article28 Oct, 2017
Deny vote to creationistsRefuting a fact-free atheopathic diatribe against God by Jody Nagel, who hates that Christians are allowed to vote.Article08 Jan, 2011
Creationists hypocriticalWeb feedback answers the fallacy that creation is faith but evolution is science and shows how cladograms do not prove an ancestor descendant relationshipArticle09 Jan, 2010
Kenyan pastor speaks out on evolutionAfricans are increasingly being exposed to evolution, particularly ‘human evolution’, as never before.Article06 Oct, 2006