Creation for Kids: Planets around other starsEarth is perfect for life. No other known planet, around the sun or any other star, is suitable. Life can’t evolve from non-living chemicals, and must be created.Article17 Apr, 2024
Nuclear engineer defends biblical creationJonathan Corrado, nuclear engineer defends biblical creation, magnetic field is young-earth evidence, quantum mechanics science vs Krauss fallacies.Article15 Apr, 2024
Was there really no death before the Fall?A correspondent asks: Was there really no death before the Fall? What about bugs and bee stingers?Article02 Apr, 2016
Racemization of amino acids under natural conditions: part 4Amino acids racemize in water faster than peptides can grow, which undermines abiogenesis.Article12 Apr, 2024
Cosmic and universal death from Adam's fallRomans 8 testifies that the Curse is universal in extent.Article26 Dec, 2008
Earth’s design for lifeThe earth, sun, moon, galaxy etc are a complex system that displays the hallmarks of skilled systems engineeringArticle18 Mar, 2024
Why would a loving God allow death and suffering?How can we reconcile a God of love with the natural and moral evils in the world.Article02 Jan, 2014
Social sophistryCMI’s Social media videos are reaching millions and the positive responses hugely outnumber the negative.Article12 Feb, 2024
Book review: 'Stalin and the Scientists'A review of Stalin and the Scientists by Simon IngsArticle09 Feb, 2024
The Church’s hole in the heartAtheists see the Church’s hole in the heart, foundational teaching is rejected, churches are closing, and her mission is impaired.Article06 Feb, 2024
The AI revolutionHumans are not meat-based computers; no matter how good an AI program might be at churning out responses to questions, it will never be emotionally involved with anything it does.Article29 Jan, 2024
Did life come from outer space?Evolutionists are looking for extrasolar planets like Earth to promote evolutionaryArticle24 Aug, 2011
A medical doctor shares on creationWe do see mutations happening from time to time, but they lead to disease and death—not superhumans.Article15 Jan, 2024
Electric StargazersElectric Stargazers are monster fish that uses multiple lures, ambush, venom, and electricity to hunt their prey.Article27 Dec, 2023
Christmas and GenesisChristmas is founded on Genesis; Jesus---fully God and fully man---came to destroy the reign of sin and death that started in the historical Fall of Genesis 3.Article25 Dec, 2007
End-times and Early-timesWith eschatological debates, the Bible is still the rule of faith, but with Genesis compromise, science has become the rule of faith.Article13 Feb, 2013