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Why Darwinism is Not a Testable Scientific Theory

Why Darwinism is Not a Testable Scientific Theory

There is an often-repeated assertion that evolution is scientific fact, while the Bible’s account of creation is mere religious stories or myths. However, it might be surprising to learn that there is some ‘storytelling’ included in the paradigm of evolution. You see, scientists from the evolutionary and creation paradigm both start from a particular worldview. And the worldview drives their interpretation of the facts. An evolutionary bias results in a natural focus on their presumption which leads to interpretations that ignore scientific evidence that supports biblical creation. In this discussion you will learn how the very nature of real science gives us a better understanding of why scientists come to very opposing conclusions. You’ll also get a taste of some simple scientific facts that stand in complete opposition to that idea that evolution is a scientific fact. You see, believing the Bible is not a ‘blind faith’.
03 Jul, 202425:12
The carnivorous nature and suffering of animals

The carnivorous nature and suffering of animals

Carnivory must have begun after the Fall.
20 Feb, 2009
Street preacher says creation 'is the issue'

Street preacher says creation 'is the issue'

It’s time for the church to stop avoiding the questions people want answers to.
17 Oct, 2008
Geography expert for creation: Sarah Buckland

Geography expert for creation: Sarah Buckland

Sarah Fay Buckland, Ph.D. Geography from Jamaica, founder of Chosen to GLOW Ministries.
19 Jun, 2024
Passing the Torch

Passing the Torch

As the CEO of CMI US was preparing to step down (July 2023), he tells us of his reason for going to America, the challenges, and the rewards.
13 Jun, 2024
Justin Taylor response

Justin Taylor response

Responding to Justin Taylor of The Gospel Coalition regarding the length of the creation days.
03 Feb, 2015
Yom is not an Eon

Yom is not an Eon

Yom is not a long period of time as day-age theory suggests.
18 Jun, 2019
The only way to peace?

The only way to peace?

The source of peace has to be in our basic connection with our Creator who is the origin of our personhood (Hebrews 11:3).
03 Jun, 2024
Racemization of amino acids under natural conditions: part 5

Racemization of amino acids under natural conditions: part 5

Long-age researchers often give exaggerated ages for skeletal remains based on amino acid racemization dating.
31 May, 2024
Is God a ‘moral monster’?

Is God a ‘moral monster’?

The Old Testament does not include immoral actions by God.
17 Mar, 2014
Review: 'Early Christian Readings of Genesis One'

Review: 'Early Christian Readings of Genesis One'

A review of Early Christian Readings of Genesis One by Craig Allert
24 May, 2024
20 Criticisms of Christianity and Creation ANSWERED

20 Criticisms of Christianity and Creation ANSWERED

Does Christianity lack logic, reason, and evidence? Join Dr Don Batten for rapid answers to 20 common criticisms of Christianity and biblical creation.
23 May, 202417:40
So glad I checked

So glad I checked

Creation magazine editorial exposes misinformation about creation and evolution, and saves people the pain of being deceived.
20 May, 2024
Exposing counterfeit science

Exposing counterfeit science

This recognized expert on bad science takes aim at evolution.
13 May, 2024
Skeptics challenge: a ‘God of love’ created a killer jellyfish?

Skeptics challenge: a ‘God of love’ created a killer jellyfish?

Skeptics challenge that the box jellyfish couldnt have been made by a God of Love, given the resulting gratuitous and ingenious cruelty. But the Bible answers such scoffers objections.
29 May, 2013
Truth matters in a pagan society

Truth matters in a pagan society

Compromises of Genesis abound with loss of Scriptural authority as just one casualty. As godlessness in society increases unchecked, faithful obedience to Scripture is not optional!
27 Sep, 2011