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Tsunami tragedy

Tsunami tragedy

The tragic devastation wreaked by the Boxing Day, 2004 tsunami is a sober reminder of the awesome power of Gods judgment in the Flood of Noah.
04 Dec, 2006
Monkey madness

Monkey madness

Dubbed gladiator insects because of the armour covering them as nymphs, and previously thought extinct for millions of years, theyve been found living in Namibia.
01 May, 2013
Dealing with doubt

Dealing with doubt

How Christians can build up their faith when struggling with doubt, by praying, reading the Gospels and apologetics books, and attending a Bible-believing church.
21 Apr, 2013
Creationism modern science

Creationism modern science

Biblical creationists need not reject modern science ideas like quantum mechanics and relativity; indeed they may actually be helpful in understanding how God created everything.
05 Apr, 2013
Creation evangelism

Creation evangelism

Creation evangelism provides the foundation on which the gospel of Jesus dying for our sins makes sense.
24 Mar, 2013
Review Lennox seven days

Review Lennox seven days

John Lennox in Seven days that Divide the World mistakenly believes that his compromise on Genesis 1 results in a coherent reading of Scripture.
11 Jan, 2013
Adam and Noah

Adam and Noah

The many parallels between what happened in Creation Week and in the global Flood of Noah
31 Dec, 2012
Robert Ballard did not discover Noah’s Flood

Robert Ballard did not discover Noah’s Flood

The claim by Robert Ballard to have found Noah’s Flood in the Black Sea is not correct.
19 Dec, 2012
Perils of Theistic Evolution

Perils of Theistic Evolution

The dangers inherent in arguing for theistic evolution are legion, including the subversion of key doctrines, a denial of Christ
06 Dec, 2012
The 'bird of prey' that's not

The 'bird of prey' that's not

Raptors, like eagles and vultures, have sharp, hooked beaks and talons which seem to have only one purpose
21 Nov, 2012


Piranhas are renowned for their razor-sharp teeth and ability to tear the flesh off any animal venturing into the water. But their fearsome reputation has been greatly exaggerated.
31 Oct, 2012
Why do Christians defend evolution

Why do Christians defend evolution

Evolutionists can be Christians because Christian belief is not defined by a denial of evolution but they are being logically inconsistent in believing in both.
27 Oct, 2012
The lion that wouldnt eat meat

The lion that wouldnt eat meat

A vegetarian lioness, Little Tyke, cared for by Georges and Margaret Westbeau, did not eat meat during its entire life of nine years.
29 Aug, 2012
Common old earther errors

Common old earther errors

Old-earthers defend their compromise on the traditional plain reading of Genesis by appealing to the text and history against what they actually say.
27 Aug, 2012
Adam eve races genetics

Adam eve races genetics

Genetics favours a biblical view of the origin of the races and the genetic diversity we see in humans today, and Nazism was influenced by Darwinism.
17 Jun, 2012
No death before the Fall

No death before the Fall

Biblical death in the Fall only applies to nephesh chayyah life, and a contextual understanding of yom means the ‘days’ of Genesis 1 are 24-hour days.
03 Jun, 2012