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Unfallen Adam sin

Unfallen Adam sin

How could unfallen Adam have sinned? God gave him the power of contrary choice.
08 Mar, 2014
Coral: animal, vegetable and mineral

Coral: animal, vegetable and mineral

Coral reefs are only thousands of years old, not millions.
26 Feb, 2014
Ancient coral

Ancient coral

Paleozoic corals do not provide evidence of an ancient earth or necessitate that days were shorter pre-Flood.
21 Feb, 2014
Creation evangelism japan

Creation evangelism japan

Churches in Japan using creation evangelism as per Acts 17 are seeing conversion growth.
13 Feb, 2014
What was Adams sin

What was Adams sin

Adams sin is explained in terms of deliberately choosing to disobey God and so putting his own authority above Gods.
09 Feb, 2014
Bats sophistication in miniature

Bats sophistication in miniature

Bat sonar (echolocation), flight, and other features strongly points to design (creation), not evolution, as explaining bats origin. The fossil record is no help to evolutionists, either.
05 Feb, 2014
Is God inconsistent

Is God inconsistent

Gods judgment is not inconsistent or immoral.
04 Feb, 2014
Percentage acceptable

Percentage acceptable

The statistics of youth leaving the church challenge parents to equip their children with a defense for their faith.
16 Jan, 2014
Ultimate curse adam and eve

Ultimate curse adam and eve

A reader says its all Adam and Eves fault---but the Bible fairly lays responsibility squarely at Adams feet.
11 Jan, 2014
Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

What does the Bible tell us about Adam and Eve?
03 Dec, 2013
Are you a biblical creationist?

Are you a biblical creationist?

A survey/questionnaire of nine (9) questions to ascertain whether pastors, youth group leaders or Bible College principals are young-earth creationist Title change from young-earth to Are you a biblical creationist?
08 Aug, 2008
Defense of Six-Day Creation

Defense of Six-Day Creation

A long time pastor defends six day creation against compromising views of Genesis.
22 Oct, 2013
Roots and fruits

Roots and fruits

Evolutions origins are anti-Christian and anti-biblical, and its consequences appear to be uniformly evil.
12 Oct, 2013
Origins vs operational science

Origins vs operational science

Operational science deals with repeatable observations and experiments in the present, and origins science is when you try to apply those results to explain what happened in the past.
22 Sep, 2013
William Lane Craig vs creation

William Lane Craig vs creation

The teaching that God created everything "very good" sharply contradicts billions-of-years dogma.
17 Sep, 2013
Teaching creationism is child abuse? (Part 1)

Teaching creationism is child abuse? (Part 1)

Dr Lawrence Krauss calls teaching creationism to children 'child abuse'. He wants to censor any conclusions that contradict his beliefs about atheism and evolution over millions of years. However, he doesn't seem to grasp foundational aspects of the origins debate. Teaching lies to children is wrong. They need to be taught the truth about the world around us and what life is all about.
07 Aug, 201307:06