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Will Cornick murders teacher

Will Cornick murders teacher

Troubled teenager Will Cornick stabs his teacher to death in front of classmates.
22 Jan, 2015
Did Adam understand death

Did Adam understand death

At the Fall, did Adam really understand what death was?
14 Jan, 2015
Scientists wrong

Scientists wrong

History tells us that the majority of scientists can be wrong?
12 Jan, 2015
Is cancer very good

Is cancer very good

Old earth creationists saying cancer was always present in the animal kingdom cannot be reconciled with a very good creation.
30 Dec, 2014
Eve adams rib

Eve adams rib

Eve, Adam, rib, kinsman-redeemer, Eve was made from Adams rib to picture what marriage is, and to make us all one family so a kinsman-redeemer could pay our sin debt and save us.
08 Dec, 2014
Evangelical church theologically corrupt

Evangelical church theologically corrupt

Has the evangelical movement lost its way?
03 Oct, 2014
Answering fools folly

Answering fools folly

Answering fools folly, atheists, Proverbs 26:4--5, evangelism Sceptics like to claim that Proverbs 26:4--5 make contradictory statements, but that is not the case.
29 Sep, 2014
Air attack

Air attack

New Zealands kea parrot practises carnivory when other food supply is limited.
10 Sep, 2014
Was Adam more guilty than Eve

Was Adam more guilty than Eve

We discuss whether the Bible says that either Adam or Eve was more guilty than the other.
26 Jul, 2014
Adam Eve lifespans eternal destinies

Adam Eve lifespans eternal destinies

Did Adam and Eve go to heaven or hell, and how long did Adam live before the Fall?
07 Jun, 2014
Giberson unmasked

Giberson unmasked

Karl Giberson reveals the incompatibility of Darwinism and Christianity and the subversive nature of his Christian college teaching.
22 May, 2014
Catching a kinkajou

Catching a kinkajou

The kinkajou of south and central America is classified as being a ‘carnivore’—yet new research shows this shy forest-dweller is exclusively vegetarian.
07 May, 2014
suffering and gospel

suffering and gospel

The Gospel changes cultures, and suffering is real.
29 Mar, 2014
Biologos pelagian heresy

Biologos pelagian heresy

BioLogos, heresy, theistic evolution, historical Adam, Genesis myth, Pelagianism, original sin.
22 Mar, 2014
Grotesque dinosaur cannibals

Grotesque dinosaur cannibals

Cannibalism in dinosaurs indicates claimed fossil age/dating needs dramatic revision.
19 Mar, 2014
Side issues

Side issues

Creation is not a salvation issue, but it is a foundational doctrine for understanding the Gospel.
15 Mar, 2014