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Is evolution a message of hope for humanity?

Is evolution a message of hope for humanity?

Evolution says human existence is insignificant, meaningless and illusory, theistic evolution fails, biblical creation is foundation for hope of glory.
07 Feb, 2019
Theistic evolution and the Christian faith

Theistic evolution and the Christian faith

Theistic evolution weighed in the balances fails the test of Scripture (the Daniel test) and is contrary to Christian Faith.
17 Jan, 2019
Adam and Eve blood types

Adam and Eve blood types

Adam and Eve blood types, haploid clone, O is a mutation of A, which is more common than B
29 Dec, 2018
Bodily functions before the Fall?

Bodily functions before the Fall?

Normal bodily functions occurred pre-Fall, and DNAs dynamism may have also allowed for blue eyes and lactose tolerance.
22 Dec, 2018
Why do you just bash evolution?

Why do you just bash evolution?

Positive and negative apologetic arguments used by Isaiah and Elijah.
18 Dec, 2018
Faith and facts

Faith and facts

Do faith and facts relate to each other at all? Is there evidence for Christian faith? Yes! A biblical worldview is the best fit for the facts.
27 Nov, 201828:30
OT scholar: Genesis teaches a short timescale

OT scholar: Genesis teaches a short timescale

Travis Rick Freeman, Professor of Old Testament, Baptist College of Florida Graceville, Genesis 5 and 11 teach 6,000-year-old earth, no time gaps in genealogies
26 Nov, 2018
Hybrid approaches to Creation: Is there a middle ground?

Hybrid approaches to Creation: Is there a middle ground?

Is there a hybrid or middle ground between thousands and billions of years? Can the earth be hundreds of thousands of years old?
22 Nov, 2018
Preserving God’s image in the face of death: Important lessons in remembering World War 1

Preserving God’s image in the face of death: Important lessons in remembering World War 1

Preserving God’s image in the face of death. Important lessons in remembering World War 1.
11 Nov, 2018
Bioethicists obsessed with killing babies—why?

Bioethicists obsessed with killing babies—why?

Why do bioethicists justify killing children after birth.
09 Oct, 2018
Can you love Jesus and reject His Word?

Can you love Jesus and reject His Word?

Responding the Andy Stanley’s aftermath series which says Christians need to unhitch the Old Testament from the New Testament.
27 Sep, 2018
The historical Adam and what he means for us

The historical Adam and what he means for us

A review of What Happened in the Garden by Abner Chou (Ed.).
14 Sep, 2018
Cannibal deer

Cannibal deer

Cannibal deer are observed eating carcasses, showing how meat-eating/carnivory began after the Fall.
20 Aug, 2018
What is the origin of human consciousness?

What is the origin of human consciousness?

If human consciousness is an illusion of brain chemistry, why can’t atheists, psychologists, cognitive scientists, philosophers and atheists explain it?
12 Jul, 2018
Regenerating ribs

Regenerating ribs

Adam and that missing rib
25 Apr, 2018
what did sea creatures eat pre-Fall

what did sea creatures eat pre-Fall

What fish ate before the Fall.
21 Apr, 2018