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Creation compromise is depleting churches in western countries

Creation compromise is depleting churches in western countries

Liberal church ministers’ denial of six day creation correlates with attendees’ unbelief and decline, surveys in Netherlands and Canada show.
17 Dec, 2019
We Are Less Than Dust

We Are Less Than Dust

We are made up of 99.99999999% empty space, so how can humans, or anything else, be ‘seen’ or ‘felt’? When we see something, what we are detecting is the light (an electromagnetic wave) reflecting from the surface of the object.
21 Nov, 201911:38
The Darwin Dictionary

The Darwin Dictionary

A satirical guide to the creation vs evolution controversy—exposing fallacies in evolutionary thinking.
19 Nov, 2019
Christianity and Newtonian science

Christianity and Newtonian science

Natural laws come from Gods will, not natures necessity, meaning we must study nature to know its structure.
15 Nov, 2019
Senseless cynical censorship of the teaching of creationism in Welsh schools

Senseless cynical censorship of the teaching of creationism in Welsh schools

British humanists and atheists bully Welsh government to maintain censorship of creation in schools
17 Sep, 2019
From a rib to a 206-bone human

From a rib to a 206-bone human

Did Eve transition from a single bone to a 206-bone human? What about the transition from molecules to man?
24 Aug, 2019
Researching creation after secular academia

Researching creation after secular academia

Evolution’s top five arguments better support biblical creation – there is hope for college students,
20 Aug, 2019
What humans do but animals don’t

What humans do but animals don’t

Six abilities of humans that make us different from animals, and are features of God and thus make us accountable to Him.
19 Aug, 2019
Eve, the rib, and modern genetics

Eve, the rib, and modern genetics

Genetics catches up with the Bible, which says God fashioned Eve from one of Adam’s ribs.
05 Aug, 2019
Everything is theological

Everything is theological

Theology and the Bible cannot be separated from the real world of science history.
29 Apr, 2019
Can Christians add the big bang to the Bible?

Can Christians add the big bang to the Bible?

The big bang is the atheistic alternative to God as Creator, but it is both scientifically and theologically invalid.
19 Mar, 2019
Lost World of John Walton

Lost World of John Walton

Wheaton college professors write a series of books encouraging evangelicals to abandon the biblical understanding of Creation and the Flood as taught by Christ and the NT writers.
14 Mar, 2019
Redemptive history

Redemptive history

Theistic evolutionists can’t reconcile evolutionary claims with the teaching of Scripture.
28 Feb, 2019
Answering the Premier Christianity article by Michael Roberts – 10 questions to ask a young earth creationist – Part 2

Answering the Premier Christianity article by Michael Roberts – 10 questions to ask a young earth creationist – Part 2

Old earth geology accepts Lyell and Darwin, promotes animal death before the Fall, so subverting history and challenging traditional Christianity.
26 Feb, 2019
Answering the Premier Christianity article by Michael Roberts – 10 questions to ask a young earth creationist – Part 1

Answering the Premier Christianity article by Michael Roberts – 10 questions to ask a young earth creationist – Part 1

Answering critics of ‘young earth’ and the historic narrative of Genesis who accept radiometric dating and thus millions of years
21 Feb, 2019
Countering emotional attacks on creation

Countering emotional attacks on creation

Those who oppose God often use emotional arguments, can you respond?
19 Feb, 2019