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Objection… Overruled!

Objection… Overruled!

Questions and objections to the Genesis creation account continue to lead many people away from Christianity. We tackle some of popular questions showing how evidence from science and history supports the Bible. Who did Cain marry? How did ‘bad things’ arise? Where are all the human fossils? How did people live so long before the flood? Who were the Nephilim? Where did all the races come from?
17 Jun, 202024:54
How I (a former evolutionist) came to know Jesus as Creator and Saviour

How I (a former evolutionist) came to know Jesus as Creator and Saviour

How Toru Yasui came to know Jesus as Creator and Saviour.
09 Jun, 2020
The death of my beloved wife

The death of my beloved wife

Death of wife, bereavement, why God punishes sin, hope in Christ.
26 May, 2020
Did God make Adam ‘half-female’?

Did God make Adam ‘half-female’?

The X chromosome is not a female chromosome, and God didnt make Adam half-female.
23 May, 2020
Analyzing John Walton’s ‘functional creation’ view of Genesis 1

Analyzing John Walton’s ‘functional creation’ view of Genesis 1

John Walton’s claim that Genesis 1 is exclusively about functional creation is considered and critiqued.
16 May, 2020
From the mouths of sceptics: sometimes sceptics unwittingly support what creationists teach.

From the mouths of sceptics: sometimes sceptics unwittingly support what creationists teach.

Scientists unwittingly confirm creationists on the universe, life’s origin, ancient man, the Flood, fossils, dinosaur soft tissue, Genesis as history.
19 Mar, 2020
Animal death before the Fall: Contrary to God's nature

Animal death before the Fall: Contrary to God's nature

Does God care anything about animal death and suffering? The Bible says yes.
17 Mar, 2020
Why did fungi become pathogenic?

Why did fungi become pathogenic?

Disruption in the ecological balance after the Fall likely created the conditions in which fungi became pathogenic.
13 Mar, 2020
Origins and the Gospel (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-02)

Origins and the Gospel (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-02)

Continuing from last week, what was the world like before sin? Are science and faith actually incompatible? How do beliefs about where we came from affect morality?
12 Mar, 202028:41
Genesis and the Gospel

Genesis and the Gospel

Continuing from last week, what was the world like before sin? Are science and faith actually incompatible? How do beliefs about where we came from affect morality?
11 Mar, 202024:49


Apologetics is linked with evangelism
11 Mar, 2020
Making sense of science, faith and Genesis (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-01)

Making sense of science, faith and Genesis (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-01)

Is creation/evolution a side issue for Christians? Does it have any impact on the Gospel? We’ll provide some clarity about the links between scientific discoveries and beliefs about the creation/evolution issue.
29 Feb, 202028:41
Review: 'The Genealogical Adam and Eve'

Review: 'The Genealogical Adam and Eve'

Swamidass has developed the Genealogical Adam and Eve Model, but his acceptance of human evolution from apes colours his thinking, to the point where his model
25 Feb, 2020
Pre-fall ecological crisis?

Pre-fall ecological crisis?

Animals wouldnt overrun the world pre-Fall because God who blessed animals to fill the earth can also control ecology.
18 Jan, 2020
Aussie bushfire crisis

Aussie bushfire crisis

The bushfire crisis in Australia is not unprecedented but expected. Response is a worldview issue.
17 Jan, 2020
Salad-eating sharks

Salad-eating sharks

Bonnethead sharks eat, and digest, substantial amounts of seagrass
08 Jan, 2020