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The Bible’s historical accounts are important, and refute evolution

The Bible’s historical accounts are important, and refute evolution

Key doctrines of Christianity are based on historical events, including a historical Genesis. If those events didn't happen Christianity crumbles. Watch the entire episode at: https://creation.com/cml7-05 [https://creation.com/cml7-05]
27 Sep, 202102:48
Vying with Velikovsky. What does CMI think?

Vying with Velikovsky. What does CMI think?

Immanuel Velikovsky challenged orthodoxy with his novel cosmological ideas which undermine biblical authority rather than support it.
18 Sep, 2021
Review: 'The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve’ by Stephen Greenblatt

Review: 'The Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve’ by Stephen Greenblatt

A review of The Rise and Fall of Adam & Eve by Stephen Greenblatt.
27 Aug, 2021
If you can’t say something nice

If you can’t say something nice

Why it’s actually loving to critique and refute false ideas.
17 Aug, 2021
Replenish the earth

Replenish the earth

People think that
23 Apr, 2012
Sevens in the Bible

Sevens in the Bible

Sevens outside the weekly Sabbath in Israels calendar do not undermine God creating everything in a literal week.
07 Aug, 2021
Young Earth and Flood: Why they matter

Young Earth and Flood: Why they matter

Relevance of young earth and flood to biblical authority, gospel, goodness of God.
02 Aug, 2021
The world may ignore the challenge of biblical creation, but is ignorance bliss?

The world may ignore the challenge of biblical creation, but is ignorance bliss?

Ignorance is not bliss. The world rejects biblical creation, but risks the gift of eternal life.
29 Jul, 2021
Creation: a form of white supremacy?

Creation: a form of white supremacy?

Allison Hopper claims in Scientific America that creation supports white supremacy, blacks are the mark of Cain, and ignores evolutionary history of racism.
15 Jul, 2021
Review: 'Scientism and Secularism’ by J.P. Moreland

Review: 'Scientism and Secularism’ by J.P. Moreland

A book review of Science and Secularism by J.P. Moreland.
09 Jul, 2021
Is evolution about science?

Is evolution about science?

Statements from evolutionists reveal their real motives.
08 Jul, 2021
Is the age of the earth important?

Is the age of the earth important?

Why it is vital for Christians to embrace the biblical age of the earth and not accept millions of years.
03 Jul, 2021
The creation hyperbola

The creation hyperbola

Immediate creation shows God’s power, but long ages reflect a weak god.
28 Jun, 2021
Theistic evolution and the doctrine of death

Theistic evolution and the doctrine of death

Theistic evolution requires the horridly cruel works of nature and death, the last enemy, producing convoluted bible readings and compromise.
15 Jun, 2021
T. rex, cats and attack-defense structures in a pre-Fall world.

T. rex, cats and attack-defense structures in a pre-Fall world.

Teeth, claws, and eye arrangements, in animals as diverse as cats and T. rex pose questions about originally created perfect designs.
12 Jun, 2021
Who is wrong about the biblical date of the Flood, and the Great Pyramids?  Somebody must be wrong somewhere…

Who is wrong about the biblical date of the Flood, and the Great Pyramids? Somebody must be wrong somewhere…

Pyramids - How they fit into the true biblical history.
05 Jun, 2021