Chimps natural killersIf apes are our ancestors and they kill other apes, does that explain why humans murder humans?Article04 May, 2015
Speleothem growth in caves vs man-made structuresComparing speleothem fast growth rates and chemistry in caves and man-made structuresArticle04 Dec, 2021
Review: 'Science Without God?'A review of Science Without God? by Peter Harrison and Jon H. Roberts (Eds.)Article03 Dec, 2021
Faith and facts Faith, evidence, facts, presuppositions, worldviews and proofs for creation.Article01 Mar, 2016
Practical evangelism with evangelist Henry De RoosDynamic street evangelist Henry De Roos gives practical advice on how to use evidence about God’s creation to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.Podcast24 Nov, 202123:36
What did the Son of God believe about Creation?Continuing on from previous episodes, “What the church fathers believed about Genesis” and, "What the Reformers believed about Genesis”, we now examine the words of the Son of God in His written revelation to us. What did Jesus believe about Genesis?Podcast17 Nov, 202123:00
The Wonder of Science is a brilliant exploration of the creation and evolution debate.Wonder of science covers the sciences of chemistry, cell biology, genetics, geology, atmosphere, and space, dealing with creation and evolution.Article16 Nov, 2021
Countering indoctrinationCreation magazine is a powerful tool to counter evolutionary indoctrination.Article08 Nov, 2021
Response to Dr Luke Barnes, Why I’m no longer a young-earth creationist.Reply to Premier Christianity article by ex-young-earth creationist and physicist Luke BarnesArticle02 Nov, 2021
The Genesis genealogiesThe Genesis genealogies are viewed with skepticism by many, but have historical and theological significance, leading to the Messiah (Christ).Article26 Oct, 2021
Critic calls young-earth creationism laughable and dangerousResponse to a Christian critic who objects to Genesis as literal history.Article21 Oct, 2021
Not my job to save peopleRemembering our role in evangelism can encourage us when sharing our faith.Article19 Oct, 2021
Why trust the Bible's morality if it cannot get its history right?If the Bible doesn't accurately record 'earthly things' that we could verify today (like the effects of a global flood) then how can it be trusted on morality or the 'heavenly/spiritual things'. Watch the entire episode at: []Video18 Oct, 202101:57
Interview with former cancer researcher Philip BellPhilip Bell, cancer, creation, Fall, theistic evolutionArticle18 Oct, 2021
Different understandings of origins?A friendly dialogue with a theistic evolutionist on several issues in the origins debate.Article02 Oct, 2021