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Atheists: Adam must be real or Christianity fails

Atheists: Adam must be real or Christianity fails

Even atheists know that Adam must be historical, unlike some theologians who think he could be symbolic. Watch the entire episode here: https://www.creation.com/cml7-13 [https://www.creation.com/cml7-13]
13 Apr, 202202:11
The denial of Genesis is bad for science and Christianity

The denial of Genesis is bad for science and Christianity

History denial and skepticism of Genesis in favour of consensus science damages both science and Christianity, ethics and the Gospel.
07 Apr, 2022
A family tree for all humanity?

A family tree for all humanity?

A unified genealogy of modern and ancient humans incorrectly points to northeast African as the ancestral homeland.
05 Apr, 2022
How did bad things come about? Creation Answers Book Ch. 6

How did bad things come about? Creation Answers Book Ch. 6

Creatures created to harm others: predators, parasites, pathogens, poisons, defense-attack, exaptation, Adam’s Fall, carnivory
22 Mar, 2022
Interview with Dr Sam Gan, high-profile Singaporean scientist

Interview with Dr Sam Gan, high-profile Singaporean scientist

Interview with high profile Singaporean researcher Dr Sam Gan on his research and commitment to biblical creation.
21 Mar, 2022
Did animals die before Adam sinned?

Did animals die before Adam sinned?

God described His original creation as 'very good' but did that include the death of animals before Adam sinned? We explore the implications of animals dying before the Fall.
16 Mar, 202224:27
Review: 'The Demon in the Machine'

Review: 'The Demon in the Machine'

A review of The Demon in the Machine by Paul Davies
25 Feb, 2022
Biblical Unity

Biblical Unity

Those who divide the church are those who introduce false teaching, not those who confront it.
17 Feb, 2022
Does God exist? Creation Answers Book Ch. 1

Does God exist? Creation Answers Book Ch. 1

Existence of God, cosmological, moral, design, biblical, Christological arguments.
15 Feb, 2022
6-day creation: Irrelevant to the Gospel?

6-day creation: Irrelevant to the Gospel?

Does belief in old earth creation or young earth creation impact the Gospel? If so, how? If not, are these topics side issues? How important are they really? Should they be included in your church's Statement of Faith?
09 Feb, 202224:19
‘Knowing good and evil’: what does it mean?

‘Knowing good and evil’: what does it mean?

Adam and Eve knowing good and evil in Genesis 2-3 is about experiencing justice.
05 Feb, 2022
Bad news needed

Bad news needed

Without the bad news of Adams sin bringing death and suffering into the world, the good news of Jesus death and resurrection is no news at all.
19 Dec, 2013
Curious about Curious Earth

Curious about Curious Earth

Practical details about a creation evangelism market display called Curious Earth
22 Jan, 2022
Life on Mars?

Life on Mars?

Martian meteorite: did it have life?
17 Jan, 2022
Elohim, the Trinity, and the relationship with Adam

Elohim, the Trinity, and the relationship with Adam

Response to a question on the triune nature of God in the name Elohim, and the relationship between the Trinity, Adam, and humanity as a whole.
08 Jan, 2022
Largest fossil of 'multi-million-year-old' millipede Arthropleura found in England.

Largest fossil of 'multi-million-year-old' millipede Arthropleura found in England.

Arthropleura, giant millipede fossilized in sandstone from the Carboniferous, demonstrates fast, deep burial in marine sediment consistent with Noah’s Flood
06 Jan, 2022