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Resolving the Archean Belts in the context of Noah’s Flood

Resolving the Archean Belts in the context of Noah’s Flood

The Archean Belts formed either during Creation Week or Noah’s Flood.
31 Jan, 2025
The wonders of water

The wonders of water

Water has some fascinating features that suggest it has been designed ‘just right’ for life.
24 Dec, 2008
The lost squadron

The lost squadron

Do thick ice sheets really take thousands of years to form?
06 Apr, 2011
The Greenland ice cores

The Greenland ice cores

This article demonstrates the difference between uniformitarian and creationist interpretations of ice cores drilled into the Greenland Ice Sheet.
12 Jun, 2008
The extinction of the woolly mammoth: was it a quick freeze?

The extinction of the woolly mammoth: was it a quick freeze?

01 Jan, 2025
The dubious apologetics of Hugh Ross

The dubious apologetics of Hugh Ross

01 Jan, 2025
Has the Ark of the Covenant been found?

Has the Ark of the Covenant been found?

Has the Ark of the Covenant been found?
01 Jan, 2025
The necessity for believing in six literal days

The necessity for believing in six literal days

01 Jan, 2025
2 Peter 3:8 one day is like a thousand years

2 Peter 3:8 one day is like a thousand years

one day is like a thousand years
01 Jan, 2025
Its about time (radiohaloes)

Its about time (radiohaloes)

Physicist Robert Gentry explains how polonium radiohalos constitute powerful evidence for biblical creation.
01 Jan, 2025
Santa myth vs God

Santa myth vs God

Some people try to compare Santa Claus with God and in their flawed thinking wrongly declare God a myth.
06 Jul, 2017
Ganymede magnetic moon

Ganymede magnetic moon

The Galileo mission to Jupiter discovered Granymede has a weak magnetic field which has implications for the dynamo theory and the age of the solar system.
28 May, 2010
Mercury’s magnetic field is young!

Mercury’s magnetic field is young!

Messenger spacecraft measurements of Mercury’s decreasing magnetic field support creationist predictions
26 Aug, 2008
Adam and Eve’s Tenancy in the Garden of Eden

Adam and Eve’s Tenancy in the Garden of Eden

The conception of Cain must have occurred after Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden.
17 Dec, 2024
Why are dinosaurs extinct today?

Why are dinosaurs extinct today?

Did the Chicxulub impact cause iridium layers or wipe out the dinosaurs, or are there problems with this idea, or did human hunting or the Ice Age kill them
02 Dec, 2024
Word use patterns in Genesis 1: against Framework hypothesis

Word use patterns in Genesis 1: against Framework hypothesis

The usage patterns of the Hebrew words bara’ (create) and tob (good) in Genesis 1 argue against Framework Hypothesis.
29 Nov, 2024