Creation compromise


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Answering the Premier Christianity article by Michael Roberts – 10 questions to ask a young earth creationist – Part 1

Answering the Premier Christianity article by Michael Roberts – 10 questions to ask a young earth creationist – Part 1

Answering critics of ‘young earth’ and the historic narrative of Genesis who accept radiometric dating and thus millions of years
21 Feb, 2019
Hybrid approaches to Creation: Is there a middle ground?

Hybrid approaches to Creation: Is there a middle ground?

Is there a hybrid or middle ground between thousands and billions of years? Can the earth be hundreds of thousands of years old?
22 Nov, 2018
Can you love Jesus and reject His Word?

Can you love Jesus and reject His Word?

Responding the Andy Stanley’s aftermath series which says Christians need to unhitch the Old Testament from the New Testament.
27 Sep, 2018
Biologos Jesus age earth

Biologos Jesus age earth

Ted Davis, theistic evolutionist at BioLogos, makes a vain attempt to evade Jesus’ teaching on the age of the earth.
25 Jan, 2018
The Bible: is it guilty until proven innocent?

The Bible: is it guilty until proven innocent?

Challenge the assumption that we should be skeptical about Scripture!
23 Jan, 2018
Nice theologians leading the church away from the truth

Nice theologians leading the church away from the truth

Winsome theologians who compromise God’s Word, teaching that evolution and long ages, are most effective at destroying the church.
16 Jan, 2018
Refusing to be muzzled

Refusing to be muzzled

Offered a paid job by her church, a lady must agree not to mention biblical creation; what to do?
09 Dec, 2017
Teach unbiblical ideas

Teach unbiblical ideas

Simply knowing about ideas that contradict Christianity can help young people stand firm against them.
24 May, 2017
The importance of the age of things

The importance of the age of things

The Bible, the age of the earth and theological implications of long ages.
24 Oct, 2016
Apostate The Men Who Destroyed the Christian West review

Apostate The Men Who Destroyed the Christian West review

Review of Apostate—The Men Who Destroyed the Christian West.
30 Sep, 2016
Ark objections judgment

Ark objections judgment

How to answer Noah’s Ark critics.
26 Jul, 2016
The meaning of yôm in Genesis

The meaning of yôm in Genesis

Genesis days and the meaning of yôm.
27 Mar, 2009
The horse and the tractor

The horse and the tractor

If naturalistic evolution is true, then a Creator God is redundant, as the horse and tractor analogy shows.
09 Dec, 2015
Worldviews history and earth age part 2

Worldviews history and earth age part 2

Does the Christian church see any conflict between long ages and biblical claims about origins?
26 Jun, 2015
Worldviews history and earth age part 1

Worldviews history and earth age part 1

Does old-earth creationism compromise the Christian faith?
19 Jun, 2015
Evangelical church theologically corrupt

Evangelical church theologically corrupt

Has the evangelical movement lost its way?
03 Oct, 2014