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Uranus: The strange planet
02 Jun, 2003
Stars, their purpose, and people

Stars, their purpose, and people

Astronomy: the cosmos, galaxies, stars, and planets reveal the omnipotence and omniscience of God whom Scripture reveals as the Saviour.
02 May, 2024
Creation for Kids: Planets around other stars

Creation for Kids: Planets around other stars

Earth is perfect for life. No other known planet, around the sun or any other star, is suitable. Life can’t evolve from non-living chemicals, and must be created.
17 Apr, 2024
Creation for kids: How did everything start?

Creation for kids: How did everything start?

Triune God, not big bang, created universe in six 24-hour days about 6,000 Earth years ago, to be ideal home and observatory.
17 Jan, 2024
The mind of God and the ‘big bang’

The mind of God and the ‘big bang’

Many scientists reject the big bang hypothesis because of its manifest inconsistencies; however they are not commonly heard, because they are censored.
18 Aug, 2010
Is there a paradigm shift in how we view space?

Is there a paradigm shift in how we view space?

New discoveries reshape astronomer’s views on space and cosmology, but a paradigm shift has not yet happened.
29 Aug, 2023
Perfectly round electron undermines big bang

Perfectly round electron undermines big bang

Spherical electron supports Particle Physics Standard Model , but undermines the big bang because still no answer to missing antimatter.
18 May, 2023
James Webb Images and the Big Bang

James Webb Images and the Big Bang

Someone writes in to ask about the significance of the new photos taken by the James Webb Telescope.
26 Nov, 2022
Distant starlight and the days of Genesis 1

Distant starlight and the days of Genesis 1

The Bible answers whether distant starlight occurred, but not how it occurred, and the usage of yom is a strong inductive argument for 24-hour Genesis 1 days.
13 Apr, 2013
The James Webb Space Telescope

The James Webb Space Telescope

NASA’s James Webb Space telescope is touted to see the youngest galaxies but there is another side to the story.
26 Dec, 2021
Why would a designer leave debris floating in space?

Why would a designer leave debris floating in space?

Questioning Intelligent Design based on phenomena in space that seem to show chaos.
11 Dec, 2021
Harvard professor proposes to make a treaty with aliens.

Harvard professor proposes to make a treaty with aliens.

Harvard professor proposes in Scientific American to avoid cosmic catastrophe by making a treaty with advanced alien civilization.
27 Jul, 2021
CMI's response to the 'electric universe'

CMI's response to the 'electric universe'

Electric universe is popular in some circles but CMI does not think it would help promote biblical creation.
16 Feb, 2021
Dark matter search comes up empty

Dark matter search comes up empty

The Large Underground Xenon Experiment could not find any dark matter, crucial for big bang theory.
14 Dec, 2020
Ancient cosmology and Genesis 1

Ancient cosmology and Genesis 1

The supposed flat earth/solid sky’ ancient cosmology does not mean we can read the Genesis 1 days non-literally.
03 Jan, 2020
Cosmology’s fatal weakness—underdetermination

Cosmology’s fatal weakness—underdetermination

All cosmological theories, including the big bang, are underdetermined; physical data by itself is never enough to justify them.
25 Oct, 2019