How did the waters of Noahs Flood drainThe waters of Noah’s Flood drained off the continents as vertical tectonics caused the oceans to sink.Article09 Jan, 2017
Rock arches and the floodRock arches and natural bridges cannot be explained by uniformitarian geology, but were likely eroded in the Retreating stage of the Genesis Flood.Article16 Jul, 2010
Oceans of water deep inside the earthOceans of water claimed at the base of the earths transition zone could be left over from eruptions during Noahs Flood.Article04 Oct, 2014
Continental erosionContinental scale erosion is powerful evidence of runoff from Noahs Flood.Article08 Sep, 2014
Unmasking a long-age iconSiccar Point, a Scottish site revered by evolutionary geologists worldwide as the birthplace of their long-age philosophy, actually gives powerful evidence for the Genesis Flood.Article04 Sep, 2013
Shifting sandsIf a geological interpretation doesnt fit with the Bible, we should question the geological interpretation because even the facts reported in geological books are often not facts, but interpretations.Article14 Aug, 2013
Rapid rockSome Australian scientists have developed a new chemical process that transforms loose sediment into rock within days, and refused to discuss it with creationists.Article07 Aug, 2013
Tsunami tragedyThe tragic devastation wreaked by the Boxing Day, 2004 tsunami is a sober reminder of the awesome power of Gods judgment in the Flood of Noah.Article04 Dec, 2006
Geology young earthCommon arguments against a young earth from Bible-believing skeptics have rebuttals, but they miss the point that science cant disprove the Bible.Article03 Jul, 2013
Flood geological mapsGeological maps can be used to develop an authentic geological history of the area that fits within the biblical perspective.Article07 Sep, 2012
Carboniferous floating forest 2The structure of the root system of Upper Carboniferous lycopods favours the floating forest hypothesis of Kuntze regarding the formation of Paleozoic coal layers.Article31 Aug, 2012