The Fagradalsfjall–Geldingadalir eruption of 2021Recent Icelandic volcanoes highlight major changes to landform in a matter of months and years.Article30 Nov, 2021
Rapid caves part 3: Flood and Ice Age variablesVariables that affect speleothem growth rates would have been highly favourable for rapid growth in the immediate post-Flood world.Article19 Nov, 2021
Rapid caves part 2: growth rate variablesWhat variables affect the growth rate of speleothems?Article12 Nov, 2021
The geological history of Tasmania, AustraliaThe geological history of Tasmania, Australia, from a biblical Flood perspective.Article04 Nov, 2021
Vying with Velikovsky. What does CMI think?Immanuel Velikovsky challenged orthodoxy with his novel cosmological ideas which undermine biblical authority rather than support it.Article18 Sep, 2021
Waking up to true historyAn encounter at a dinosaur park underscores the importance of letting the Bibles true history transform our lives.Article13 Sep, 2021
The pre-Flood world resembled PangaeaThe pre-Flood continental configuration more likely looked like Pangaea than Rodinia.Article03 Sep, 2021
Mud experiments overturn long-held geological beliefsMud experiments overturn long-held geological beliefs: A call for a radical reappraisal of all previous interpretations of mudstone depositsArticle09 Jan, 2008
Social dinosaurs lived and died together?Teratophoneus dinosaur fossils catastrophically buried together in Noah’s global Flood.Article03 Aug, 2021
The biblical Flood helps explain shallow metamorphic rocksBiblical Flood models help explain shallow metamorphic rocks.Article23 Jul, 2021
Water: not from meteoritesEarths water couldnt have come from meteorites, since trillions of supertanker-sized meteorites are needed to deliver all the water.Article19 Jul, 2021
Australia's largest dinosaurEvidence that Australias largest dinosaur drowned and was buried in Noah’s Flood.Article17 Jun, 2021
Massive graveyard of parrot-beaked dinosaurs in MongoliaMassive graveyard of parrot-beaked dinosaurs in Mongolia. Paleontologists puzzle about the cause of death but miss the obvious clue.Article26 Oct, 2007
Coal: memorial to the FloodCoal points to Noahs Flood because huge quantities of vegetation have been uprooted, transported, and buried by water under great volumes of sediment all over the world.Article24 Jul, 2013
Post-Flood boundaryDisagreements and difficult-to-understand datasets on the post-Flood boundary are not a reason to doubt biblical creation.Article08 May, 2021