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Book review: 'The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries'

Book review: 'The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries'

A review of The Story of Evolution in 25 Discoveries by Donald Prothero.
30 Sep, 2022
The Smellicopter

The Smellicopter

The ‘Smellicopter’: Not just copying, but actually using, God’s design
19 Sep, 2022
Palmar grasp reflex

Palmar grasp reflex

The palmar grasp reflex is neither vestigial nor evidence we evolved from ape-like ancestors.
09 Sep, 2022
The evolution train’s a-comin’

The evolution train’s a-comin’

All observed genetic change is in the wrong direction for evolution.
28 Dec, 2016
Conquest of the skies

Conquest of the skies

Our response to David Attenborough’s TV programmes ‘Conquest of the Skies’. The evidence shows beetles, birds, and other fliers were created; they did not evolve.
06 Sep, 2022
Does having an extra forearm artery prove evolution?

Does having an extra forearm artery prove evolution?

Does having an extra forearm artery prove evolution? The answer is no.
05 Sep, 2022
The bear family provides evidence of an intelligent Creator

The bear family provides evidence of an intelligent Creator

Variety in bears.
20 Jan, 2016
Adaption, yes. Evolution, no.

Adaption, yes. Evolution, no.

Yes, living things change genetically and become adapted to their environment. That type of change supports creation, not evolution. For more details watch the full episode at: https://www.creation.com/cml7-19 [https://www.creation.com/cml7-19]
24 Aug, 202202:52


Sharks living in active submarine volcano crater
22 Aug, 2022
Flightless insects on windswept islands

Flightless insects on windswept islands

Loss of flight is an advantage for insects on a windswept island
16 Sep, 2015
Why reindeer eyes turn blue in winter

Why reindeer eyes turn blue in winter

The tapetum lucidum of Arctic reindeer eyes changes colour from summer gold to winter blue.
29 May, 2017
Drones: copying divine design

Drones: copying divine design

A new drone using flapping wings has many advantages but it is a pale shadow of the original.
27 Jun, 2022
Smart slime

Smart slime

The single-celled slime mold Physarum polycephalum has a memory, and makes smart decisions, yet lacks a central nervous system.
15 Jun, 2022
Trilobite eyes

Trilobite eyes

Trilobites evince compound eyes that match modern examples for complexity, reflecting design rather than evolution.
25 May, 2022
What will your body look like in the future?

What will your body look like in the future?

Cryonics suggest continuing future life using our current body. Is this compatible with Scripture? Is it science or fiction?
17 May, 2022
The magnificent ‘flying’ frog

The magnificent ‘flying’ frog

Wallace’s flying frog can glide up to 15 metres (50 feet).
16 May, 2022