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Astonishing DNA complexity uncovered

Astonishing DNA complexity uncovered

Astonishing DNA complexity uncovered
20 Jun, 2007
Genetic algorithms and robotic folly

Genetic algorithms and robotic folly

14 Jun, 2007
Bunchberry bang!

Bunchberry bang!

Bunchberry stamens are designed like miniature medieval trebuchets. Design in Nature is evidence of God.
16 May, 2007
Is the evolutionary tree changing into a creationist orchard?

Is the evolutionary tree changing into a creationist orchard?

Is the evolutionary tree changing into a creationist orchard?
10 May, 2007
Birds: fliers from the start: Archaeopteryx, Confuciusornis

Birds: fliers from the start: Archaeopteryx, Confuciusornis

Archaeopteryx and Confuciusornis were fully-formed birds, conflicting with the evolutionary dinos-to-birds narrative.
08 May, 2007
Evolution of the rhinoceros? Preposterous!

Evolution of the rhinoceros? Preposterous!

Claims that the rhinoceros is the result of evolution collapse under scrutiny. In contrast, when viewed through the Bible’s account of history, things ‘rhino’ begin to make sense.
30 Apr, 2007
Pterosaurs flew like modern aeroplanes

Pterosaurs flew like modern aeroplanes

Pterosaurs flew like modern aeroplanes
26 Mar, 2007
The super-senses of oilbirds

The super-senses of oilbirds

26 Feb, 2007
In leaps and bounds

In leaps and bounds

The amazing jumping prowess of frogs and froghoppers
02 Jan, 2007
Homosexual animals

Homosexual animals

Homosexual Animals
28 Nov, 2006
Could the mammalian middle ear have evolved … twice?

Could the mammalian middle ear have evolved … twice?

21 Nov, 2006
Bone building: perfect protein (Osteocalcin)

Bone building: perfect protein (Osteocalcin)

For bones to deposit the hard calcium mineral in the right place, they need the protein osteocalcin. Recent discovery of its crystal structure shows that it binds calcium in exactly the right geometry for proper crystal growth.
16 Nov, 2006
Spectacular spider stickiness

Spectacular spider stickiness

Spiders stick with the same mechanism as geckos
30 Oct, 2006
Saddle up the horse, it's off to the bat cave

Saddle up the horse, it's off to the bat cave

Evolutionists say DNA shows bats and horses are more closely related than cows and horses.
17 Oct, 2006
Cuddly cold-cures counter critics

Cuddly cold-cures counter critics

13 Sep, 2006
Green Power (photosynthesis)

Green Power (photosynthesis)

Green Power (photosynthesis): Gods solar power plants amaze chemists
27 Jul, 2006