Walking up wallsInsects have inspired engineers to build a better ‘sticky tape’, and even robots that can walk up walls—a great idea for cleaning windows of high-rise buildings!Article02 May, 2008
Swedish trees older than the universe?The oldest trees, including ancient Norway Spruces in western Sweden, date from after Noahs Flood, about 4,500 years ago.Article23 Apr, 2008
Peacock poppycock?According to evolutionist researchers, Darwins sexual selection theory is a failure, as epitomized by its inability to explain the peacocks tail.Article21 Apr, 2008
Grass-eating dinoscoprolites confirm dinosaurs ate grass, contrary to traditional evolutionary teachingArticle24 Mar, 2008
Fancy flying from advanced aeronauticsNew discoveries about swift flight may help aircraft designers. Swifts also have such a sophisticated navigation system that they can find their way in their sleep.Article17 Dec, 2007
Hibernation, Migration and the ArkSome animals would have hibernated on Noahs Ark.Article12 Dec, 2007
Appendix: a bacterial ‘safe house’New research suggests function for appendix in maintaining good digestive bacteria populations.Article17 Oct, 2007
Is the human male nipple vestigial?Human male nipples are not vestigial. Supernumerary nipples (extra nipples) are not atavisms.Article23 Aug, 2007
Brilliant brittlestarsAccording to one report its entire skeleton forms one big eye … brittlestars are one big compound eye.Article22 Aug, 2007
Amazing discovery: Bird wing has 'leading edge' technologyAmazing discovery: Bird wing has leading edge technologyArticle26 Jun, 2007