from-ape-to-man-via-genetic-meltdown-a-theory-in-crisisA review of Genetic Entropy & The Mystery of the Genome by John C. SanfordArticle04 Dec, 2008
Identification of species within the sheep-goat kind Tsoan monobaraminThe Bible tells us that creatures were created to reproduce after their kind.Article04 Sep, 2008
Separating the sheep from the goatsSheep and goats illustrate the limits of the created kinds and the inadequacy of mutations for evolutionArticle11 Aug, 2008
The Prostate Gland—is it ‘badly designed’?Refuting arguments that the prostate shows poor designArticle01 Aug, 2008
What About Horse Toe Evolution?Evolutionists claim that various structures on the horse are evidence for ‘vestigial toes’. Let’s take a closer look.Article25 Jul, 2008
Life: a gift from GodIn the past all Western doctors swore the Hippocratic Oath against abortion and against assisting suicide, but this Oath is being abandoned, with tragic results.Article23 Jun, 2008