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A brief history of design

A brief history of design

Cicero used design in nature to counter the evolutionists and pantheists of his day, as creationists do in pre-evangelism today. However, without Christ the design argument cannot save anyone.
09 Nov, 2011
Living fossils erv function

Living fossils erv function

Evolutionary stasis is inconsistent with established mutation rates
08 Oct, 2011


Evolutionists claim the biogeographic distribution of organisms provides strong evidence for evolution, but the data better fit the biblical account of recolonisation following the Genesis Flood.
19 Aug, 2011
Would Darwin be a Darwinist today?

Would Darwin be a Darwinist today?

For more details visit: https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-42 [https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-42]
09 Aug, 201109:59
What The Schools Are Teaching

What The Schools Are Teaching

Have you ever wondered what textbooks are teaching about living things, as opposed to what the Bible teaches? It should not surprise you that they are opposites, but it might surprise you, that the textbooks contain outright falsehoods. You too should know the lies, so you can help your families, answer our church youth and the unbelieving world. In Dr Jackson’s usual dynamic style he will help you easily identify many of these.
15 Jul, 2011
Comparative cytogenetics chromosomal rearrangements

Comparative cytogenetics chromosomal rearrangements

A more complete understanding is needed of the types of genomic changes that have occurred throughout history, including a more detailed understanding of chromosomal rearrangements.
24 Jun, 2011
tomcods & evolution

tomcods & evolution

The Atlantic tomcod gained poison resistance via information loss through mutation and natural selection, which is the opposite of what evolution requires.
19 May, 2011
Plantaris vestigial

Plantaris vestigial

The plantaris muscle in humans is not a vestigial structure because it performs a sensory function.
13 May, 2011
Parrot fashion

Parrot fashion

Parrots use unusual pigments, psittacofulvins, to produce their colourful plumage, especially red, found nowhere else in the world. How could it have evolved?
09 May, 2011
Genetics geographical distribution

Genetics geographical distribution

A skeptical correspondent challenges us to explain genetics and geographical distribution in a creationist framework.
14 Apr, 2011
Rapid tomcod evolution

Rapid tomcod evolution

The Atlantic tomcod gained poison resistance via information loss through mutation and natural selection, which is the opposite of what evolution requires.
22 Feb, 2011
The human body—God’s masterpiece

The human body—God’s masterpiece

The human body reveals an amazing design; the human brain is the most complex and highly ordered arrangement of matter in the universe.
12 Jan, 2011
Naming the animals: all in a days work for Adam

Naming the animals: all in a days work for Adam

Adam was the worlds first zoologist.
05 Jan, 2011
Flower vase

Flower vase

Everyone recognizes design in a glass vase, but many refuse to believe that the flowers in the vase must also have been designed.
20 Dec, 2010
The fish with \four eyes\ (Anableps)

The fish with \four eyes\ (Anableps)

The best explanation for Anableps is that it was created on Day 5 of Creation Week.
01 Dec, 2010


The existence of opossum marsupials in America fits with biblical creation and dispersal after the Flood and their biology speaks of design.
29 Nov, 2010