Magnetic navigationHow will animals be able to navigate using the earth’s magnetic field, as it decays away?Article09 Aug, 2022
Making atheists loud and Christians dumb The age-of-the-earth compromise and creation/evolution views of leading Christian apologists such as John Lennox and John Dickson and William Lane Craig defraud them of answering the key theologicalArticle23 Apr, 2013
Did God create over billions of years?Far from a side issue, time scale is central to the gospel, because compromising views put death before the Fall.Article06 Oct, 2011
What’s a billion years here or there?A billion years younger; reducing the age of stars, of young basalt moon rocks, and of sandstone quartzite.Article09 Dec, 2021
Where did deep time belief arise?Western belief in ‘deep time’ first appeared in 17th and 18th century FranceArticle24 Feb, 2021
Deep time in 18th century France: part 2The rise of deep time in France came over to Britain mainly through methodological naturalism and a subtle undermining of Christianity.Article01 May, 2020
Oxygen in comet atmosphere undermines billions of yearsSpace probe Rosetta finds oxygen gas found in coma of comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko, implications for chemical evolutionArticle08 Jan, 2018
Worldviews history and earth age part 1Does old-earth creationism compromise the Christian faith?Article19 Jun, 2015
Age of diamondsAge of diamonds, fresh unfossilized pristine wood, kimberlite pipe, carbon 14, biblical timescale Diamonds are said to be millions/ billions of years old but fresh unfossilized wood found in a kimberlite pipe plus carbon 14 found in diamonds indicates young ageArticle25 May, 2015
Saturns TitanTitan, Saturn, moon, methane, ethane, Saturns moon Titan is sinking old-age ideas, despite rescue attempts such as burying the needed ethane ocean underground.Article24 Feb, 2014
Evolution ancient pagan ideaEvolution and deep time are not modern ideas: the early defenders of the Christian faith refuted these ideas from the ancient pagans.Article21 Dec, 2009
Age of the earthEarth is now generally accepted as 4.543 billion years old, but here are 101 evidences for a much younger age of the earth and the cosmos.Article04 Jun, 2009
Controversial claim for earliest life on earthControversy over origin of stromatolites reveals new insights into the way scientists think.Article02 Aug, 2006