Big bang smoking gunMedia headlines make people think that some astounding scientific ‘proof’ has been discovered. The reality is far less spectacular.Article20 Mar, 2014
Dark matter crisis for big bangClaimed dark matter find only adds confusion to big bang crisisArticle25 Jan, 2014
CMB ConundrumsMultipoles in the CMB lined up with the Earths equatorial plane are hard to explain in the big bang framework and support a galactocentric universe.Article02 Aug, 2013
Element origins big bangThe Bible presents a better explanation for the origin of the elements than the big bang, the CMBR is doubtful, and an expanding universe is irrelevant for the Bible.Article02 Sep, 2012
Before the big bangTop secular scientists now say that the law of cause and effect challenges the concept of the big bang, and they suggest solutions.Article20 May, 2012
Bye-bye, big bang?A high-redshift quasar within lower-redshift galaxy NGC 7319 disproves traditional big bang assumptions demonstrates secular astronomer Halton Arp.Article28 Apr, 2008
Dismantle the big bang and rediscover God's universeDismantle the big bang and rediscover Gods universeArticle05 Mar, 2007