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Biblical Unity

Biblical Unity

Those who divide the church are those who introduce false teaching, not those who confront it.
17 Feb, 2022
Jesus on the age of the earth

Jesus on the age of the earth

Jesus believed in a young world, but leading theistic evolutionists say He is wrong and thus fall into an error on the Incarnation known as the kenotic heresy.
07 May, 2012
Does God exist? Creation Answers Book Ch. 1

Does God exist? Creation Answers Book Ch. 1

Existence of God, cosmological, moral, design, biblical, Christological arguments.
15 Feb, 2022
Why is sin attractive?

Why is sin attractive?

Sin is attractive not because God made it so, but because it parasitizes and mimics the good.
12 Feb, 2022
Sensational seeds

Sensational seeds

Seeds and their biological characteristics are used in Scripture to teach important moral and spiritual truths, and the
30 Apr, 2013
‘Knowing good and evil’: what does it mean?

‘Knowing good and evil’: what does it mean?

Adam and Eve knowing good and evil in Genesis 2-3 is about experiencing justice.
05 Feb, 2022
The Creation Model

The Creation Model

The theory of evolution is described in much detail in most classrooms today. Names, dates, classifications, etc., all seem to point to a very ‘scientific’ history of the world. But what about Creation? Does it have a cohesive historical narrative that can be backed up scientifically? Absolutely! Look at the ‘big picture’ of the Bible’s history on this week’s show.
02 Feb, 202223:25
The vital discipline of study, both Scripture and creation science, for achieving success in apologetics

The vital discipline of study, both Scripture and creation science, for achieving success in apologetics

Encouragement and advice for Christians, especially young people and students, who are interested in deepening their knowledge-base in creation science, and in their devotional studies.
01 Feb, 2022
Does Leviticus 19:19 prohibit mating horses with donkeys?

Does Leviticus 19:19 prohibit mating horses with donkeys?

Does Leviticus 19:19 prohibit the cross-breeding of horses and donkeys?
29 Jan, 2022
Arguments for God

Arguments for God

An overview of several arguments for God. Though not conclusive proofs, they show at least that theism is reasonable.
09 Aug, 2016
The Bible’s days are numbered!

The Bible’s days are numbered!

Would you have answered these ‘True or False?’ questions as these high school students did?
05 Aug, 2008
Elohim, the Trinity, and the relationship with Adam

Elohim, the Trinity, and the relationship with Adam

Response to a question on the triune nature of God in the name Elohim, and the relationship between the Trinity, Adam, and humanity as a whole.
08 Jan, 2022
What did the Son of God believe about Creation?

What did the Son of God believe about Creation?

Continuing on from previous episodes, “What the church fathers believed about Genesis” and, "What the Reformers believed about Genesis”, we now examine the words of the Son of God in His written revelation to us. What did Jesus believe about Genesis?
17 Nov, 202123:00
Does God judge sinners?

Does God judge sinners?

God judges sinners justly, and graciously fulfils His justice in Jesus death’ taking the punishment we sinners deserve.
07 Apr, 2018
Countering indoctrination

Countering indoctrination

Creation magazine is a powerful tool to counter evolutionary indoctrination.
08 Nov, 2021
Will the REAL creationists please stand up?

Will the REAL creationists please stand up?

There are a variety of views on creation that could be called the ‘creationist’ view. Whether Christians hold to the Gap Theory, Day Age Theory, Framework Hypothesis or Biblical (Young Earth) Creation, they all believe their interpretation is correct. Which one is correct? Find out who the real creationists are as we sort through the issues on today’s show.
03 Nov, 202123:38