The confusion of liberalismConversational approaches to studying Scripture can lead to liberalism, where truth and values become relative.Article19 Oct, 2023
The Fall and ecosystem functionEcosystems functioned somewhat differently before the Fall, but there are biological mechanisms that could have transformed the world post-Fall.Article13 Oct, 2023
AI pastors leading services and vegans rewriting God’s WordchatGPT Bible re-write and AI preacher suggests more trust in robots than God’s Word?Article10 Oct, 2023
Why should we take scripture at face value?Compromise on Genesis leads to heresy, the doctrine of original sin is just 1 of many things that compromise corrupts.Article05 Oct, 2023
Five biblical firsts: day, heart, favour, flood, knowledgeFive first instances of biblical words (day, heart, favour/grace, flood, knowledge) and their meaning according to the context.Article03 Oct, 2023
The Genesis 5 and 11 fluidity questionAre there gaps in the genealogies of Genesis 5 and 11?Article04 Jan, 2007
Genesis is historyThe language of Genesis shows that its history, e.g. the waw consecutive verbs, and thats how the rest of the Bible treats it.Article06 Jul, 2015
Genesis contradictions?Genesis chapters 1 and 2 are not contradictory; Chapter 1 is an overview and Chapter 2 provides details of Adam and EveArticle10 Sep, 1997
Teaching your children about God and GenesisParents need to have a coherent Christian worldview that they can share with and model for their children.Article22 Aug, 2023
Early church fathers and creationThe majority of Church Fathers who commented on the issue believed that God created in six 24-hour days.Article01 Aug, 2023
How long were the days of Genesis 1If God had intended us to understand long ages or theistic evolution in Genesis, there are several ways He could have said this, but He chose not to.Article19 Jan, 2011
How to have a right relationship with GodBelieve Jesus is God; He died and rose again; repent of our sins; receive Jesus; and obey Jesus as Lord.Article24 Jul, 2023
Miracles and scienceMiracles are additions to scientific laws; Humes skeptical arguments were refuted by philosopher John Earman.Article02 Sep, 2006
Egypt and the short Sojourn, part 2 Historical supportThe sojourn of the Hebrews of the Bible in Egypt best fits the second intermediate period, when the Hyksos ruled.Article11 Jul, 2023