Does the Bible teach error?Many alleged contradictions in Scripture are solved by pointing out Jewish citation methods, and distinguishing thematic from chronological order. Does the bible teach errors.Article20 Jan, 2007
Is the nativity fact or fiction?Christ’s birth is one of the greatest events in all of history. Can we trust Lukes account of the nativity? Was there a census in Bethlehem at Jesuss birth? Was the nativity historical?Article23 Dec, 2006
Promoting 'peace with evolution'The Sydney Anglicans are rightly respected for their stand on biblical authority. But a recent affiliated publication calls for seeing Genesis as ‘figurative’.Article13 Oct, 2006
Da Vinci Code apostate challenges CMIA reader has used the Da Vinci Code as an excuse for leaving his former professed faith. Dr Sarfati’s response exposes many fallacies of this, and provides advice on how to handle works like Dan Brown’s.Article12 Aug, 2006
The Da Vinci Code: Fiction masquerading as factThe Da Vinci Code: Fiction masquerading as factArticle18 May, 2006