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"Alien Abductions & UFOs—Exposed!" Gary Bates

"Alien Abductions & UFOs—Exposed!" Gary Bates

Can spacecraft be reaching us from light-years away? Is there life on other planets? Are people really experiencing alien visitations and what does all this have to do with the debate on origins? This presentation digs deeper and unravels the truth behind the vast amounts of misinformation surrounding the UFO phenomenon. It’s even more disturbing than most think.
30 Mar, 2010
"Mitochondrial Eve & the 3 'Daughters' of Noah" Dr Rob Carter

"Mitochondrial Eve & the 3 'Daughters' of Noah" Dr Rob Carter

The Bible records three historical biblical “main events” that would have left an indelible mark on our genetic makeup: Creation, the Flood, and the Tower of Babel. Exciting research in modern genetics actually underlines the reality of these events, if you expect to find the evidence and go looking for it (but you have to know where to look!).
30 Mar, 2010
Issue of issues

Issue of issues

The truth and authority of the Bible is the key issue at the forefront of the battle against Christianity, and Genesis is the Scripture under the fiercest attack
25 Feb, 2010
Wisdom created or Jesus

Wisdom created or Jesus

The Wisdom of God: Jesus or a created thing?
30 Jan, 2010
Not circular reasoning

Not circular reasoning

Are Christians guilty of circular reasoning, using the Bible to prove the Bible.
11 Jan, 2010
Politicizing Scripture: Conservative Bible translation

Politicizing Scripture: Conservative Bible translation

When politics becomes the measure for a Bible translation, it is a perversion of Scripture, no matter whose politics are involved.
24 Dec, 2009
Glycon Jesus

Glycon Jesus

24 Oct, 2009
Augustine young earth creationist

Augustine young earth creationist

08 Oct, 2009
Gender-Neutral Bible Translations

Gender-Neutral Bible Translations

10 Sep, 2009
The flat-earth myth and creationism

The flat-earth myth and creationism

24 Jul, 2009
Romans 5 Pauls literal Adam

Romans 5 Pauls literal Adam

Many passages in Scripture require Adam to be historical. Among them is Romans 5:12–21, where a historical Adam is contrasted with the historical Jesus.
17 Jul, 2009
Review Doctrines of Genesis 1-11 Warkulwiz

Review Doctrines of Genesis 1-11 Warkulwiz

03 Jul, 2009
Age of the earth

Age of the earth

Earth is now generally accepted as 4.543 billion years old, but here are 101 evidences for a much younger age of the earth and the cosmos.
04 Jun, 2009
Gospel Dates and Reliability

Gospel Dates and Reliability

25 Apr, 2009
London Times reports that the Bible is not anti-female: is this news?

London Times reports that the Bible is not anti-female: is this news?

24 Feb, 2009
What should we think of new or trendy Bible translations?

What should we think of new or trendy Bible translations?

17 Feb, 2009