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The Mystery of Our Declining Genes

The Mystery of Our Declining Genes

One of the world’s foremost experts on genetics traces the history of human genetic decline due to mutations in our DNA. The evidence is startling to those who don’t believe in the Genesis account of Creation because it refutes conventional dates for alleged human evolution. This is powerful evidence for the Bible’s timescale for human history.
20 Apr, 2011
Interpreting Genesis as history

Interpreting Genesis as history

Interpreting Genesis as reliable history is foundational to, and woven throughout the fabric of, the very gospel of salvation itself.
19 Mar, 2011
Syntax in genesis 1

Syntax in genesis 1

Correct exegesis with close attention to syntax and semantics supports the plain reading of Genesis 1 and refutes the gap theory
18 Mar, 2011
The Gift Of The Da Vinci Code

The Gift Of The Da Vinci Code

This excellent hour-long made for TV presentation gently, yet powerfully, refutes the major claims of the controversial book The Da Vinci Code. It asks questions such as 'Is Christianity a scam? Is Jesus just a nice guy?'. In the process it explains, for example, how we came to get our modern Bible.
10 Mar, 201158:36
Aliens, UFOs and the Bible

Aliens, UFOs and the Bible

Every day there are hundreds of UFO sightings. Are they alien spacecraft as many people believe? What do we really know about this intriguing phenomenon? In this fascinating video, featuring UFO authority Gary Bates (author of "Alien Intrusion: UFOs and the Evolution Connection"), youll finally get answers from observational science and the Bible. http://creation.com [http://creation.com]
10 Mar, 201101:05
Sola scriptura

Sola scriptura

Sola scriptura is true because the each book of the Bible is authoritative and inerrant in the original manuscripts, and therefore is an authoritative list of books.
04 Dec, 2010
Genesis poetry father hermeutics

Genesis poetry father hermeutics

Origin of non-literal interpretation of Genesis, Father of Hermeneutics.
20 Nov, 2010
Monogamy bible one man woman

Monogamy bible one man woman

Monogamy means marriage between one man and one woman. This was the ideal from the creation of Adam and Eve, and TWO becoming one flesh. Polygamy was tolerated for a time, but was never ideal.
25 Oct, 2010
Strategy of the Devil

Strategy of the Devil

Satan is alive and well. He uses the same tactics today to cause people to disregard God as he used on Eve in the garden of Eden. What are they?
22 Sep, 2010
Curse and catastrophe

Curse and catastrophe

The fact that God has judged all mankind three times in the past is assurance that He will do so once more in the future.
08 Sep, 2010
Creation 2010 Super Conference - Battle for the Bible

Creation 2010 Super Conference - Battle for the Bible

https://creation.com/ [https://creation.com/]
29 Jun, 201003:25
"Elephants in the Room" by Dr Mark Harwood

"Elephants in the Room" by Dr Mark Harwood

Bible-believing Christians face a problem with what seems like an overwhelming weight of evidence that evolution is true, and the Bible’s account of creation is wrong. Some Christians try to ignore this ‘elephant in the room’; others try to accommodate it into the biblical text. Dr Harwood shows how these attempts fail to adequately deal with the ‘elephant’. He then addresses the problem using real science—with some very surprising results!
16 Jun, 2010
Who was the serpent?

Who was the serpent?

Satan used the body of a specific serpent in the Garden of Eden to tempt Eve to disobey God, speaking by means of a diabolical miracle.
16 Jun, 2010
Indian creation myths

Indian creation myths

Native American creation and flood stories and so called Indian creation myths share a common unity with the book of Genesis.
10 Jun, 2010
Single cell irony

Single cell irony

Materialists scoff at the idea that the first embryonic cell of Jesus arose miraculously, but they accept that the first living cell arose spontaneously.
18 May, 2010
"Let the Earth Bring Forth..." Dr David Catchpoole

"Let the Earth Bring Forth..." Dr David Catchpoole

We admire them, eat them, wear them, build things from them, burn them … it’s almost as if plants were created for our benefit! Certainly the evidence of plants today and their amazing complexity points to a creator (not evolution). And not just any creator, but the Creator God of the Bible.
30 Mar, 2010