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Earth is too special

Earth is too special

For more details visit: https://creation.com/cml75 [https://creation.com/cml75]
24 Apr, 201210:00


The Sign presents an impossible thesis regarding the Resurrection and the Shroud of Turin.
24 Apr, 2012
Where do cavemen fit into Biblical history?

Where do cavemen fit into Biblical history?

Where do cavemen fit into Biblical history? Based on their evolutionary beliefs, atheists believe most cavemen were primitive brutes on the way to becoming fully human. From the viewpoint of biblical history, after the confusion of languages at the tower of Babel as people spread out they would have lived in a variety of homes made of mud, stone, wood, tents, or in caves. The Bible describes a number of 'cavemen'. In Genesis, we find that Lot was once a 'caveman' (after he fled Sodom). When David ran from King Saul, he lived in a cave. And Job mentions people who lived in caves also. Thus, you would expect evidence all over the world that skilful, talented and fully human people have lived in caves at various times.
11 Apr, 201201:00
Does the Bible say the Earth is flat?

Does the Bible say the Earth is flat?

In an effort to imply that Biblical writers were primitive, many people have said that the Bible teaches that the earth is flat.
11 Apr, 201200:56
Do Genesis 1 and 2 contradict each other?

Do Genesis 1 and 2 contradict each other?

In Genesis chapter 2 the order of creation seems to be different to that in chapter 1 with the plants being created after Adam. Does the Bible contradict itself here? Find more at Creation.com
10 Apr, 201200:59
Should Genesis be taken literally?

Should Genesis be taken literally?

Young earth Creationists are sometimes accused of believing that the whole Bible should be taken 'literally'. What we actually encourage is that the Biblical text should be taken according to the style of writing, that is—taken straightforwardly.
10 Apr, 201200:51
Noah's Ark -- judgement on sin

Noah's Ark -- judgement on sin

Noah's Flood was sent as a judgment because of the wickedness of man. Noah and his family had to go through a doorway of the Ark to be saved. The Ark is a reminder of the salvation message. Creation.com
10 Apr, 201200:45
The Resurrection and Genesis

The Resurrection and Genesis

Was Jesus resurrection was a historical event?
18 Jul, 2011
Blood in Unfossilized dinosaur bone

Blood in Unfossilized dinosaur bone

Dinosaur Fossils Did you know that there are many physical evidences on earth to contradict the "billions of years" that evolution teaches. Like the red blood cells and hemoglobin that have been found in an unfossilized dinosaur bone. Evolutionists believe that dinosaurs died 65 million years ago, but discoveries like this one contradict that belief. The Bible says that land animals - which would have included dinosaurs - were made on Day 6 of the creation week. There is no contradiction between what the Bible says and evidence that dinosaurs lived recently.
19 Mar, 201200:43
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Most evolutionists believe that 2 non-chickens mated and the DNA in their new zygote contained the mutations that produced the first true chicken.
19 Mar, 201200:53
Does the Bible give clues to how old the earth is?

Does the Bible give clues to how old the earth is?

Does the Bible give clues as to how old the earth is?
19 Mar, 201200:48


The giraffe's heart is one of the most powerful among animals today. It needs to produce enormous pressure to get blood all the way up its long neck to its brain.
19 Mar, 201200:57
Cain's Wife

Cain's Wife

The Bible says that Adam and Eve had Cain and Abel and then Cain went somewhere and found a wife. Where did she come from? Genesis 3 verse 20 says that Eve was the mother of all living and Genesis 5 verse 4 says that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters. So Cain would have married one of his sisters. But this answer raises other questions. Remember that the law against close intermarriage did not come until the time of Moses. Biological problems in their children were also not a problem at that time since the genetic mutations that cause problems increase over time. In the beginning God created the genes with no mutations. For more details go to Creation.com and search on 'Cain's wife'.
19 Mar, 201200:52
Six Literal Days -- Why question only Genesis?

Six Literal Days -- Why question only Genesis?

Many Christians are convinced that scientists have proven that the universe is billions of years old. In Genesis 1 we learn that God created the heavens, the earth, and all they contain in six days. It's plain to see that the word "day" in Genesis 1 clearly means a literal 24-hour day. The Hebrew word for 'Day' is used more than 2300 times throughout the Old Testament, but its meaning is only questioned in Genesis. Why? Because the idea of millions of years is so ingrained in our society today. Each issue of Creation magazine contains articles by scientists refuting the millions of years and supporting a recent creation in six real days, just like the Bible says.
19 Mar, 201200:50
How could the first 3 days be measured without the sun?

How could the first 3 days be measured without the sun?

If God didn't create the sun until day 4 how could each of the previous 3 days have been 'real' days? Although we are not told what the light source was, the Bible says that God created the earth and light on the first day. Thus we can deduce that on the first 3 days the Earth was already rotating in space relative to God's created light enabling a day-night cycle. In the book of revelation we read that in the future new heavens and Earth there will, once again, be no need for sun.
19 Mar, 201200:39
Can you marry your relative?

Can you marry your relative?

Can you marry your relative? According to the Bible all people on earth go back to Noah's family, and before that, back to Adam and Eve. Since we are all ultimately the descendants of the same parents, all people are related. You have to marry your relative! If you don't, you marry something that isn't human. Of course, today we don't marry our close relatives for legal and biological reasons. We marry someone further away in relation to us.
19 Mar, 201202:12