Bible not jewish folkloreTodays feedback features a skeptic who questions the authenticity and reliability of the Bible, positing hopeless contradictions between Jesus and Paul and portraying the Bible as Jewish folklore.Article25 Nov, 2012
Creation Speakers available to come to your churchCreation Ministries International focuses on the Bible's first book, Genesis and the creation/evolution issue. Many of our speakers are scientists with PhDs who, before joining CMI, were employed in various scientific fields.Video08 Nov, 201200:31
Stasis - Another problem for evolution from the fossil recordIn nature documentaries and science text books, one often hears about creatures that arrived at their body plan very early in evolutionary history and have not made any real changes since that time, supposedly millions of years ago. These are called 'living fossils'—like the coelacanth and the Wollemi pine. This phenomenon is known as stasis, things staying pretty much the same. And it turns out that pretty much every animal in the entire fossil record appears suddenly and shows this same history of stasis. This was not predicted by evolution!Video05 Nov, 201201:00
Creation Magazine - an essential equipping tool for the whole familyCreation magazine is a 56-page full-colour family magazine that is an essential tool for anyone wanting to 'immunize' their family against the anti-biblical worldviews bombarding us from all sides. With no paid advertising, every page of Creation magazine is full of powerful articles, ammunition to intelligently discuss nature, history, science, the Bible, and related subjects.Video29 Oct, 201200:31
Dinosaurs ARE mentioned in the Bible - BehemothA question people often ask is "Does the Bible mention dinosaurs"? You might expect that the Bible would mention the most impressive land-dwelling beasts of God's creation, since He created them on Day 6 along with people.Video24 Oct, 201201:00
Genesis: key to a Christian worldviewHave you ever stared at something and thought about how God created every single atomic particle in it—from nothing— and designed the mechanisms and forces by which the particles would bond together to form materials? The power and intelligence of the Creator are astounding!Video11 Oct, 201201:00
The Creation Answers BookThe Creation Answers Book is CMI's most popular book because it covers 60 of the most asked questions about Genesis and the creation evolution issue. Questions like: • What is the evidence for God's existence? • Could the days in Genesis 1 be long periods of time? • How did all the animals fit on Noah's Ark? • Does radioisotope dating prove that that earth is very old? • Where did Cain get his wife? • Where do dinosaurs fit into the Bible? ...and many more.Video09 Oct, 201200:32
Evidence for GodPeople often ask, "How can you believe in God when there isn't a single shred of evidence—how can you take that leap of faith?" But on the contrary, the Bible tells us that "The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands." and "... since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse."Video04 Oct, 201201:00
Brother sister intermarriageDoes Leviticus 18 imply that brother-sister intermarriage was always immoral?Article29 Sep, 2012
Common old earther errorsOld-earthers defend their compromise on the traditional plain reading of Genesis by appealing to the text and history against what they actually say.Article27 Aug, 2012
Science history bibleScience is limited by the limits of induction and the fallibility of humans, evolution is natural history, and the Bible forms the only reliable ground for understanding natural history.Article28 Jul, 2012
Information - where does it come from?'Information' is a word we hear constantly, and terms like 'biological information' are commonly used when discussing living things. In the origins debate the question is "Where did information come from?" Richard and Calvin explain how this is an extremely difficult question to answer for evolution theory but fits perfectly with the idea of intelligent design and the God of the Bible.Video20 Jul, 201219:07
Darwin's 'yard apes'For more details visit: []Video27 Jun, 201210:00
Things to think about as a theistic evolutionistWhen CMI speakers are out speaking they are often challenged by fellow Christians that have become convinced of evolution and claim that God used evolution to create. Richard and Calvin show what atheists and Bible sceptics say about this position (theistic evolution). Does adding millions of year of evolution to Genesis really help when sharing the Gospel? Watch and see!Video14 Jun, 201230:33
Loving the Bible to deathFor more details visit: []Video23 May, 201210:00
Missing gaps magic bulletsThe soft gap theory, like the classical gap theory, is not biblical, and there is no such thing as a knock down argument against evolution.Article28 Apr, 2012