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Trinity spacetime

Trinity spacetime

Both the Father and the Son are intrinsically eternal, and can both relate to us in spacetime.
25 May, 2013
A 'mountain of evidence' for evolution?

A 'mountain of evidence' for evolution?

Many people say that evolution is fact and that there is a mountain of evidence to prove it. Should Christians just cave in and admit that Genesis is a myth? This episode examines and refutes key evolution evidences such as: • Embryo similarity • The Miller/Urey experiment • Peppered Moths • Homology • Horse evolution • Fossil record • Dinosaurs • Archaeopteryx • Whale evolution • Tiktaalik • Vestigial organs • Ape men • Natural selection • Mutations • Chimp/human DNA 98% similarity • Junk DNA
22 May, 201328:31
Abortion: an indispensable right or violence against women? [sex selection, aborting girls]

Abortion: an indispensable right or violence against women? [sex selection, aborting girls]

Sex selection leads to aborting girl babies; early feminists were pro-life
06 Feb, 2007
Why Christianity is true

Why Christianity is true

Is it reasonable to be a Christian? What is the evidence that the Bible is really the 'word of God'? This episode of Creation Magazine LIVE! summarizes basic truths showing that Christianity is a logical, rational faith and not at all a blind faith.
15 May, 201328:23
Astronomy, the Big Bang and creation

Astronomy, the Big Bang and creation

Is the big bang the only possible explanation for what we see in the heavens? How observations in astronomy fit with the Bible -- this week on Creation Magazine LIVE!
08 May, 201328:31
Creative Genesis Interpretations

Creative Genesis Interpretations

Were the events in Genesis actually historical? Where can we look for clues on how to interpret Genesis?
01 May, 201328:31
Evolutionary creation

Evolutionary creation

Did God use evolution to create? Could Jesus and Paul be wrong about creation? Tune is as we discuss statements by leading theistic evolutionists.
24 Apr, 201328:31
Sea Spiders - no change over 160 million years

Sea Spiders - no change over 160 million years

Scientists studying fossil 'sea spiders' from 'Jurassic' rock found they are just the same as today's sea spiders. By evolutionary reckoning, that's no change in 160 million years. In that supposed time, evolutionists say, most of the dinosaurs, birds, many fish and virtually all mammals have evolved—all by natural processes. From finches to albatrosses, and mice to elephants—they all made themselves by evolutionary processes. They also say most of the flowering plants evolved too. And yet the sea spiders haven't changed in all that time! Curious isn't it? The Bible tells us in Genesis chapter 1 that God created plants to produce seed according to each kind created. And He created sea life and creeping things 'after their kind' also. This is the most-established principle of biology: that living things produce offspring like themselves. These sea spiders illustrate this biblical truth.
23 Apr, 201300:59
SETI -- not able to recognize intelligent life?

SETI -- not able to recognize intelligent life?

For many years, radio telescopes have been scanning the heavens as part of a program known as SETI. SETI stands for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence.
18 Apr, 201300:59
Who is the God of Genesis?

Who is the God of Genesis?

Are Christian deluding themselves? How do we know there is a God, and specifically the God revealed in the Bible?
17 Apr, 201328:29
Marvellous molecular machines

Marvellous molecular machines

Through eye-popping computer animation, based on recent scientific discoveries, this week's episode explores amazing biological machines at work in our bodies.
10 Apr, 201328:16
Where do the fossils fit?

Where do the fossils fit?

How old are fossils? When was the fossil record produced? Could fossils have existed when God called His creation "very good"? The answer to these questions have profound effects on the Gospel. Tune for the answers in this mind expanding episode.
03 Apr, 201328:20
Dinosaurs and humans -- did they live together?

Dinosaurs and humans -- did they live together?

What fossil evidence supports dinosaurs and humans living at the same time? Do scientists ever find dinosaurs buried with animals that were not supposed to have evolved yet?
20 Mar, 201328:31
The relationship between faith and science

The relationship between faith and science

What is the nature of the relationship between faith and science? Can the apparent separation between science and faith ever be eliminated? Many scientists are convinced that evolution happened, does that mean it did? Join the discussion.
13 Mar, 201328:26
Discouraged in your faith? Book a CMI speaker.

Discouraged in your faith? Book a CMI speaker.

Many Christians today have a diminished view of the Bible because they can't answer questions like, "Is there really a God?", "What about evolution"? Are there facts to back up the Bible or is it all just faith?
08 Mar, 201300:31
Continental drift and the Bible

Continental drift and the Bible

Have the continents moved apart? If so, when? Creationist Antonio Snider, the first person to publish on continental drift proposed that the continents separated during the Flood. Today his original idea is backed by cutting-edge computer modelling.
06 Mar, 201328:25