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Who wrote Genesis?

Who wrote Genesis?

Rather than accept what the Bible says about who wrote Genesis (Moses), nearly all liberal Bible colleges and seminaries (and sadly some which profess conservative evangelical doctrine) teach the 'documentary hypothesis' (also known as the 'JEDP hypothesis') instead. So what is this hypothesis and does it actually answer the question of "Who wrote Genesis?"?
18 Dec, 201315:50
Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

What does the Bible tell us about Adam and Eve?
03 Dec, 2013
The Big Bang: failed predictions and contradictions

The Big Bang: failed predictions and contradictions

In 2004 New Scientist magazine published an open letter to the scientific community in which 33 leading scientists blasted the big bang. Their strongly-worded letter included statements like: "The big bang today relies on a growing number of hypothetical entities, things that we have never observed... Without them, there would be a fatal contradiction between the observations made by astronomers and the predictions of the big bang theory... But the big bang theory can't survive without these fudge factors... An open exchange of ideas is lacking in most mainstream conferences... [and] doubt and dissent are not tolerated."
25 Oct, 201300:59
Gay marriage right or wrong

Gay marriage right or wrong

Gay Marriage: right or wrong gives answers about homosexuality and points people to the Gospel.
10 Oct, 2013
Genesis 13 undermines gap theory

Genesis 13 undermines gap theory

An instructive lesson from Genesis 13:1-3 helps clear away Gap Theory ideas some people entertain about Genesis 1:1-3.
03 Sep, 2013
Yahweh Creator God Israel

Yahweh Creator God Israel

Creation is used as a basis for describing Yahweh’s attributes in the Old Testament.
27 Aug, 2013
Is there a universal way Christians should interpret the Bible?

Is there a universal way Christians should interpret the Bible?

Some say that that there really isn't a standard for interpreting the Bible and that all interpretations are simply the creation of man. But if that's true then how can we know anything in the Bible for certain? Is there a universal way that the Bible should be read, and if so, what is it?
24 Jul, 201320:13
The Ice Age and the Bible

The Ice Age and the Bible

What is the evidence for it? Where does it fit into Biblical history? What caused it? Tune into this weeks' episode for the answers.
03 Jul, 201328:28
Apes and Humans: 99% similar?

Apes and Humans: 99% similar?

Is ape and human DNA really 99% similar? What is the evidence that ape chromosome 2 fusion led to human DNA? Richard Fangrad and Calvin Smith discuss these and other issues relating to human evolution this week on Creation Magazine LIVE!Many people believe humans evolved from and apelike ancestor, but science disagrees: we were created!
26 Jun, 201328:25
Transitional fossils? Where?

Transitional fossils? Where?

The 'missing links'—hailed as proof for evolution—are examined and debunked.
19 Jun, 201328:24
Effective Evangelism in an Evolutionized World

Effective Evangelism in an Evolutionized World

Jesus and Paul linked important doctrines to a real, historical Genesis. This episode explores tips on telling others the truth about how to be saved, considering that many think the Bible cannot be trusted.
12 Jun, 201328:19
How did bad things come about?

How did bad things come about?

Why is there so much death in the world? Is God responsible for it? How should Christians answer questions about why evil exists? This week on Creation Magazine LIVE! we consider the difficulty answering these questions if Genesis is not historical.
05 Jun, 201328:27
Mitochondrial Eve: A good fit for the real Eve

Mitochondrial Eve: A good fit for the real Eve

Many people scoff at the idea that all humans descended from a woman called Eve only thousands of years ago. But geneticists actually endorse a similar idea, known as mitochondrial Eve.
04 Jun, 201301:00
Is Genesis 1 Just Reworked Babylonian Myth

Is Genesis 1 Just Reworked Babylonian Myth

The idea that Genesis one is copied from Babylonian myth is not supported by the evidence
04 Jun, 2013
Same old song and dance

Same old song and dance

Why do evolutionary hoaxes and fakery continue to be taught? Some of the worst examples of this are explored on this week's episode.
29 May, 201328:26
Mud and the Flood

Mud and the Flood

Who would have ever thought that too much mud could supposedly disprove the Bible? Well, mudstone—which is rock formed from mud—makes up a huge percentage of earth's sedimentary rocks. And many allege that this invalidates the biblical account of a global flood.
28 May, 201301:00