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Genesis confirmed in clay

Genesis confirmed in clay

Clay tablet fragment confirms Genesis Flood account.
27 Jun, 2014
Homology -- do common structures imply common ancestor?

Homology -- do common structures imply common ancestor?

Similarities in living things is hailed as knock-down evidence for evolution. This week, find out why it actually powerfully supports Biblical creation.
11 Jun, 201428:31
Neo-catastrophism vs uniformitarianism

Neo-catastrophism vs uniformitarianism

Uniformitarianism (long shown by creationists to be an inadequate mechanism to produce the rock and fossil record) was once the foundational 'doctrine' of the geologist. Many geologists now accept 'Neo-catastrophism' (many catastrophes over millions of years). Why the change, and does this theory fare any better?
04 Jun, 201428:31
Physics and creation - an interview with physicist Dr Jim Mason

Physics and creation - an interview with physicist Dr Jim Mason

Can a physicist, who has a detailed knowledge of radiometric dating, really accept a recent creation? Find out in this revealing interview with physicist Dr Jim Mason as we discuss physics, dating methods and the Higgs boson 'God particle'.
28 May, 201428:31
One human family -- an interview with Dr Carl Wieland

One human family -- an interview with Dr Carl Wieland

This episode provides a fascinating look at human culture, racism, slavery through the eyes of one of the fathers of the modern creation movement. Author, speaker and founder of Creation magazine Dr Carl Wieland is our guest. Related episode: Tracing the nations back to Babel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q32hkel6OEI [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q32hkel6OEI]
21 May, 201428:31
World winding down -- an interview with Dr Carl Wieland

World winding down -- an interview with Dr Carl Wieland

Everything (ultimately) progresses toward disorder. The second law of thermodynamics is often misused by both evolutionists and creationists. Dr Carl Wieland's clarification of this most fundamental law of science reveals powerful support for Christianity.
14 May, 201428:31
Evolution and pop culture

Evolution and pop culture

This episode examines how pop culture influences the debate about origins. Evolution permeates not only educational institutions but also the media and entertainment industries. Many popular books, movies, video games and TV shows draw on evolutionary ideas. This week we highlight some of the evolutionary themes in popular culture.
07 May, 201428:31
Why is origins important?

Why is origins important?

Why focus on the origins debate if it is not a salvation issue? How does a believer's view about Genesis and creation affect their view of salvation? This week we examine the issues and importance of origins.
30 Apr, 201428:31


Gods own nature is the perfect standard for good.
26 Apr, 2014
Junk DNA? -- There's no such thing!

Junk DNA? -- There's no such thing!

Many biologists have long touted that much of our DNA is useless junk. Richard Dawkins put it this way. "Can we measure the information capacity of that portion of the genome which is actually used? We can at least estimate it. In the case of the human genome it is about 2%"
25 Apr, 201400:59
No two ways about it: Operational vs historical science

No two ways about it: Operational vs historical science

This episode tackles what is one of the biggest stumbling blocks to understanding the debate about origins: the difference between operational and historical science. Using an list of requirements for 'science' from a popular evolutionist textbook we examine evolution to see whether it meets the requirements.
23 Apr, 201428:31
What is the most 'cutting edge' fact for creation?

What is the most 'cutting edge' fact for creation?

Are there any facts that are so powerful that anyone who hears them would believe creation? Powerful evidences for biblical creation this week on Creation Magazine LIVE!
16 Apr, 201428:31
Do we all come from two people?

Do we all come from two people?

Many scientists say that the evidence from genetics incontrovertibly shows humans did not originate from a single pair. This episode looks at specific arguments by bible skeptics and shows how wrong they are.
09 Apr, 201428:31
Hypertension -- racial differences don't affect prescriptions

Hypertension -- racial differences don't affect prescriptions

If you suffer from high blood pressure you're certainly not alone. The incidents of high blood pressure, or hypertension, are on the increase. To combat this problem, doctors can prescribe several types of medication which lower blood pressure by different mechanisms.
04 Apr, 201400:59
Life from non-life

Life from non-life

Has the law of biogenesis (life begets life) been broken? Evolution says yes. However, when established scientific laws that describe the natural world are broken we recognize that as supernatural, or miraculous. So then, does the origin of life require the supernatural?
02 Apr, 201428:31
The atheist's creation story

The atheist's creation story

All thinking people have to answer the question of origins. This episode explores what atheists have to believe about where they came from.
26 Mar, 201428:31