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The Trojan horse of ‘deep time’

The Trojan horse of ‘deep time’

In the famous tale from Homer’s “Odyssey” the fortress of Troy was defeated by the Greek army leaving a large wooden horse (secretly filled with soldiers) behind as a supposed gift. The Trojans willingly took it into their city leading to their defeat. Today’s episode retraces how ‘deep time’ infiltrated the church in a similar way, and led to the lack of biblical authority we see today.
25 Mar, 201528:31
Will the REAL creationists please stand up?

Will the REAL creationists please stand up?

There are a variety of views on creation that could be called the ‘creationist’ view. Whether Christians hold to the Gap Theory, Day Age Theory, Framework Hypothesis or Biblical (Young Earth) Creation, they all believe their interpretation is correct. Which one is correct? Find out who the real creationists are as we sort through the issues on today’s show.
18 Mar, 201528:30
Amazing design in animals

Amazing design in animals

Even evolutionist Richard Dawkins agrees “We have seen that living things are too improbable and too beautifully ‘designed’ to have come into existence by chance.” However, the truth is ‘design’ indicates a ‘designer’, and natural selection is inadequate to explain the amazing creatures featured on today’s show. Watch Richard and Calvin explain the amazing complexity of animals like the quick drawing Pistol shrimp, terrible termites and the tiny seahorse.
11 Mar, 201528:31
The key to understanding the age of the earth debate

The key to understanding the age of the earth debate

Biological evolution is a far less controversial topic among Christians than the age of the earth. But one event recorded in the Bible is the key to understanding the majority of the issues people have with the idea of millions of years.
04 Mar, 201528:31
How theistic evolution affects Christian theology

How theistic evolution affects Christian theology

Some evolution-believing Christians have declared that the theory of evolution is compatible with the Christian faith. Can evolution be blended with the Bible? This episode takes a close look at the damage this kind of thinking has inflicted on the church, Christian theology and the average person’s perception of God.
25 Feb, 201528:30
The holocaust before the holocaust

The holocaust before the holocaust

The Nazi Holocaust is seen by many as a gruesome but aberrant event in history. But 60 years earlier the Darwinian idea that some humans are not fully human resulted in horrifying brutality perpetrated upon the Herero people in South-West Africa. The Holocaust of WWII serves as reminder of the fruit of evolutionary thinking that began long before and continues today.
11 Feb, 201528:31
Living Fossils: Fossils that debunk evolution

Living Fossils: Fossils that debunk evolution

‘Living Fossils’ are characterized as creatures found in the fossil record (supposedly millions of years old) that are seemingly identical to creatures living today. This is a thorny issue for evolutionists since Darwin proposed his evolutionary hypothesis. The evidence of ‘massive change over time’ is dwindling rapidly. Meanwhile the evidence supporting creation is growing rapidly!
04 Feb, 201528:31
Exploring evolution origin life

Exploring evolution origin life

God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s recent miraculous Creation trumps atheistic evolution, theistic evolution, and all such denials of the plain sense of God\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\’s Word.
29 Jan, 2015
What the Reformers believed about Genesis

What the Reformers believed about Genesis

Contrary to what many popular Old Earth Creationists like Dr Hugh Ross have said, the Reformers held to a ‘Young Earth’ position. Examine the documented quotes from these esteemed theologians that clearly put to rest any doubt as to their biblical creationist position.
28 Jan, 201528:31
Psychology and Genesis

Psychology and Genesis

Why do people have psychological problems?
28 Jan, 2015
Is the evidence for deep time really rock solid?

Is the evidence for deep time really rock solid?

For many people the age of the earth is a settled issue. Even many creationists believe the earth is millions of years old. But the original, main geological arguments used to solidify the concept of ‘deep time’ in the 1800’s have been abandoned today. It is time to re-examine the ‘millions of years’.
21 Jan, 201528:31
Transhumanism – using technology to propel human evolution

Transhumanism – using technology to propel human evolution

Transhumanists believe that humanity will evolve to the next level within our lifetime by utilizing modern technology. Explore the Darwinian roots of this growing worldwide movement and see how it exposes man’s sinful desire to ‘become God’.
14 Jan, 201528:31
Biomimetics—engineers copying the Creator

Biomimetics—engineers copying the Creator

God is the ultimate engineer! Recent scientific discoveries show amazing design in the living world, far exceeding our current technology. Engineers are attempting to copy this design as they invent new technology often without acknowledging the original Designer.
07 Jan, 201528:31
Ancient Egypt confirms Genesis

Ancient Egypt confirms Genesis

Genesis as reliable history.
22 Dec, 2014
Missoula Flood DVD Promo CMI Program Stream

Missoula Flood DVD Promo CMI Program Stream

In the 1920's J. Harland Bretz, a secular geologist proposed to his colleagues evidence for a massive Flood across eastern Washington. He was rejected by the scientific community because what was proposing was too close to a catastrophic event with many characteristics closely described in the Bible. What he found were giant gravel bars, huge dry water falls, deep canyons cut through solid basalt, water lines on mountainsides thousands of feet up, and a massive drainage system stretching from Montana to the Pacific Ocean. It wasn't until forty years later when Bretz was proven right with evidence showing the Missoula Flood was the result of an ice dam breaking open at the end of the Ice Age in northern Idaho, emptying in just a few days across Washington and Oregon. Creation Science author and researcher Michael Oard takes you on a journey from Missoula, Montana to the Pacific, sharing how the this massive flood shaped the landscape, and how these features can be applied to other geologic features found throughout the world when the biblical global flood was receding 4,300 years ago. Michael Oard will show how quickly the Ice Age formed with the meteorological conditions right after the Flood, how it quickly melted and produced these massive local floods across the world, evidence for only one Missoula Flood, and how the bible can be trusted as earth's true history book. This new DVD set is available in 2013.
09 Oct, 201401:54
Evangelical church theologically corrupt

Evangelical church theologically corrupt

Has the evangelical movement lost its way?
03 Oct, 2014