US gay marriage scotusThe US Supreme Court has legalized same-sex marriage, what should Christians and the Church do?Article29 Jun, 2015
Evolution and education- How to survive in a secular system State run school systems teach evolution as fact. And most children from Christian homes go to state schools. What can a student do to defend their faith in such a hostile environment? How can parents prepare their children? We discuss practical tips and real life examples in this episode.Video10 Jun, 201528:31
The Creation model The theory of evolution is described in much detail in most classrooms today. Names, dates, classifications, etc., all seem to point to a very ‘scientific’ history of the world. But what about Creation? Does it have a cohesive historical narrative that can be backed up scientifically? Absolutely! Look at the ‘big picture’ of the Bible’s history on this week’s show.Video03 Jun, 201528:31
The Koran vs Genesis - Many people say the Muslim god and the God of the Bible are the same. If that’s true then the Koran and the Bible should agree with one another, but they don’t. Find out why a belief that the god of the Koran could never be reconciled with the God that wrote Genesis.Video27 May, 201528:31
Speciation and the biblical kinds – What’s the connection? God’s Word says that animals were created to reproduce ‘after their kind’ (not to evolve into other kinds over millions of years). But what is a ‘kind’? If new species are being produced, does that support creation or evolution? Are the ‘kinds’ mentioned in Genesis the same as today’s species? Find out!Video20 May, 201528:31
Speciation: yes, Evolution: no Rapid speciation has always been a cornerstone of Young Earth Creationist belief. If all of the animals we see today are descended from the limited amount of animals on Noah’s Ark then rapid speciation must have occurred. See the stunning evidence of this very thing and why it is so challenging to evolutionists and ‘Old Earth’ creationists alike.Video13 May, 201528:31
How old was Cain when he killed Abel?Seth was Eve\\s first child born after Cain killed Abel, suggesting Cain was over 120 at the time.Article11 May, 2015
Refuting ‘bad design’ arguments Creationists often point to the incredible evidence of design in nature as proof of God’s existence. But what about things that don’t look well designed or appear to have been designed to do ‘bad things’? Evidence of ‘design’ is not enough. Find out why the true history in the Bible is essential to understand the world we live in.Video06 May, 201528:31
It’s a great time to be a Christian! The world seems to think Christianity is for simple, uneducated people who are out of touch with science. This week we share a little of the growing, positive evidence for the truth of creation and Christianity. It really is a great time to be a Christian!Video29 Apr, 201528:31
Fossil mix ups – When fossils are found where they shouldn’t be Whoops! What happens when scientists find fossils in the ‘wrong’ evolutionary sequence? This week, learn how the neat, ordered sequence of fossils required by evolution theory has serious problems, but fits wonderfully with the Bible. The facts reveal that the evolutionary timeline is wrong.Video22 Apr, 201528:31
Famous creation scientists – From Newton to Sarfati Is it true that no ‘real’ scientist can be a creationist? Many of the founding fathers of modern science were Bible-believing Christians, as were many of the lesser known scientists who expanded our scientific knowledge. This episode examines the lives of brilliant men of science who were also men of God.Video15 Apr, 201528:31
Practical evangelism with evangelist Henry De Roos Description Dynamic street evangelist Henry De Roos gives practical advice on how to use evidence about God’s creation to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.Video08 Apr, 201528:31
Genesis in claycuneiform, tablet, Genesis, flood, Gilgamesh, epic, Nippur A cuneiform tablet from Nippur makes clear that the Genesis account of the Flood was not derived from the Gilgamesh epic.Article06 Apr, 2015
The Resurrection and GenesisGenesis is the foundation of the Gospel and central to Easter because it explains the origin of everything that Christ came to remedy.Article10 Apr, 2009
What did the Son of God believe about Creation? Description Continuing on from previous episodes ("What the church fathers believed about Genesis” and, "What the Reformers believed about Genesis”) we now examine the words of the Son of God in His written revelation to us. What did Jesus believe about Genesis?Video01 Apr, 201528:31