Frantic dinosaur footprints point to the flood
Dinosaur tracks have been found all over the world, but curiously, these track
ways are almost always straight. Usually, when animals are relaxed, they meander
around in all directions. But if they’re frightened, they tend to move fast in
one direction. So why do dinosaur tracks suggest they were panicking when they
made the footprints?
The global flood recorded in the Bible provides a compelling answer. As the
waters rose during Noah’s Flood, various mechanisms—such as tidal movements of
the water—caused flood-laid sediments to be briefly exposed. This allowed
dinosaurs that had previously been caught up in the currents, to make tracks on
the freshly-laid sediments, before the sediments were inundated again.
Thus dinosaurs were experiencing global panic when they made their footprints,
and that explains why their track ways are so often straight. The preservation
of tracks also requires their rapid burial—as would happen in the Flood.