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When exactly were bad things created?

When exactly were bad things created?

One of the most common questions asked of Christians is some version of: “If God is so loving, why are there bad things in the world?” The implication being that if God created this world in the state it is in, He can’t be ‘very good’ Himself. And the Bible explicitly says that God created everything there is in 6 days. So when exactly were bad things created?
13 Apr, 201628:32
Morning has broken  ...  but when

Morning has broken ... but when

Genesis 1 begins with a Hebrew summary statement that God created everything in the universe, and He did this in six days.
07 Dec, 2011
Founding of ancient nations confirms the Biblical record

Founding of ancient nations confirms the Biblical record

Historical records (outside of the Bible) that document the founding of ancient nations like Babylon, Egypt and Greece confirm the timescale of the Biblical account of the Flood and the dispersion from Babel.
01 Apr, 201602:14
Why did Jesus wear a crown of thorns?

Why did Jesus wear a crown of thorns?

Jesus crown of thorns symbolises his bearing the curse for man, dealing with sin and death that intruded at Genesis 3.
25 Mar, 2016
Genesis explains HOW God created, not why.

Genesis explains HOW God created, not why.

Some people say that Genesis means to tell us WHY God created not HOW He did. But Genesis doesn't tell us why God created. It tells us When, Who, What, and gives us a sequence in which things were done, but not why they were done. (The 'why' appears later in the Bible.)
23 Mar, 201601:05
Evidence for Noah’s Flood

Evidence for Noah’s Flood

The Bible describes a global flood about 1600 years after creation. The most devastating catastrophe ever recorded would surely leave evidence, wouldn’t it? So what are consequences of Noah’s Flood?
16 Mar, 201628:32
Made in the image of God

Made in the image of God

Are humans made in Gods image?
29 Sep, 2010
Premarital sex

Premarital sex

God forbids premarital sex because outside of marriage there is no public commitment to care for ones sexual partner.
12 Mar, 2016
Old Earth creationists must accept human death before Adam

Old Earth creationists must accept human death before Adam

God describes His original creation as "very good". The Bible reveals that there was no death of (nephesh) animals or people before Adam sinned. But Christians who accept faulty dating methods must accept that there was human death before Adam. Thus destroying the Gospel. (Rom 5:12)
09 Mar, 201601:14
How old is the earth?

How old is the earth?

How old is the earth? Six to ten thousand years old? Older? How precisely can a creation date be calculated? Does the Bible teach a six thousand year old Earth? Why do most scientists believe the earth is old? This episode explores one of the most controversial issues in the church, and answers these and many more questions regarding when God created.
02 Mar, 201628:32
CMI heretical

CMI heretical

CMI answers a priests attacks.
27 Feb, 2016
Was Darwin a plagiarist?

Was Darwin a plagiarist?

Charles Darwin is often presented as a brilliant, iconic figure who singlehandedly changed the scientific landscape. His picture is on the British ten pound note, and he is looked up to by many as a great scientist. But research over the last 100 years reveals a different story.
20 Jan, 201628:31
How should the Bible be interpreted?

How should the Bible be interpreted?

Some say that the Bible doesn’t say how it should be interpreted. So can everyone determine how to interpret it for themselves? Is there a universal way to interpret the Bible? If there is, what is it?
06 Jan, 201628:31
The meaning of yôm in Genesis

The meaning of yôm in Genesis

Genesis days and the meaning of yôm.
27 Mar, 2009
Inspiration from Creation - Trailer

Inspiration from Creation - Trailer

Inspiration from Creation
18 Dec, 2015
Frantic dinosaur footprints point to the flood

Frantic dinosaur footprints point to the flood

Dinosaur tracks have been found all over the world, but curiously, these track ways are almost always straight. Usually, when animals are relaxed, they meander around in all directions. But if they’re frightened, they tend to move fast in one direction. So why do dinosaur tracks suggest they were panicking when they made the footprints? The global flood recorded in the Bible provides a compelling answer. As the waters rose during Noah’s Flood, various mechanisms—such as tidal movements of the water—caused flood-laid sediments to be briefly exposed. This allowed dinosaurs that had previously been caught up in the currents, to make tracks on the freshly-laid sediments, before the sediments were inundated again. Thus dinosaurs were experiencing global panic when they made their footprints, and that explains why their track ways are so often straight. The preservation of tracks also requires their rapid burial—as would happen in the Flood.
16 Dec, 201501:01