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Does the Bible condone polygamy?

Does the Bible condone polygamy?

Is polygamy a moral and valid expression of marriage in the Bible?
22 Jul, 2017
How gay marriage harms people

How gay marriage harms people

Three major reasons that same-sex marriage is bad for society.
24 Jun, 2017
Biologos fails with ‘Is Genesis History’ critique

Biologos fails with ‘Is Genesis History’ critique

Response to Biologos critique of Is Genesis History
22 Jun, 2017
Did Mark plagiarize Esther?

Did Mark plagiarize Esther?

Responding to a skeptical demand for wooden literalism.
10 Jun, 2017
Believe in Christ

Believe in Christ

Do people have to believe in Jesus Christ to be saved from their sins.
03 Jun, 2017
Christ evolution

Christ evolution

Refuting another theistic evolutionary argument from N.T. Wright.
01 Jun, 2017
The Flat Earth myth and the Bible.

The Flat Earth myth and the Bible.

Does the Bible teach that the Earth is flat? Did pre-scientific people really think that the Earth was flat? Watch Richard and Calvin debunk the Bible skeptics who misuse various Bible passages to suggest that the Bible says that the Earth is flat.
24 May, 201728:31
Alien Intrusion [Official Movie Trailer]  #2

Alien Intrusion [Official Movie Trailer] #2

THE ALIEN INTRUSION http://alienintrusion.com [http://alienintrusion.com]
18 May, 201702:36
Noahs Ark and salvation

Noahs Ark and salvation

The connection between the Ark and the Cross.
01 May, 2017
Does the Bible condone slavery, abuse or mass murder?

Does the Bible condone slavery, abuse or mass murder?

According to many Bible skeptic internet warriors the Bible is an evil book that condones slavery and rape, etc. How do Christians answer these accusations when skeptics quote passages from the Bible itself as supposed proof? Watch this episode to find out!
12 Apr, 201728:31
Flood legends

Flood legends

The Bible is not the only record of an account of a global flood. Many cultures around the world have stories similar to the biblical account. This reinforces that it was a real event.
29 Mar, 201728:30
What about the Stone Age?

What about the Stone Age?

Many historians describe primitive 'Stone age' men living long before the first man, Adam, existed. This reinforces a time line that contradicts the Bible. Learn how the Bible's timeline provides the best framework for understanding the 'stone age'.
15 Mar, 201728:30
Evolution v Genesis order

Evolution v Genesis order

Genesis vs. evolution: long ages put human and animal death before the Fall, and the order of created is very different.
13 Mar, 2017
Alien Intrusion: Chat with the Producer

Alien Intrusion: Chat with the Producer

UFOs, abductions, and evolution? Gary Bates talks about CMI‘s new project, The Alien Intrusion movie.
17 Feb, 201709:48
Using the Bible to defend the Bible.

Using the Bible to defend the Bible.

A common objection is: "Believing the Bible is true because it says so is circular reasoning." Yet all philosophical systems start with axioms which are non-provable. Learn why starting with the Bible is the best way to defend it.
15 Feb, 201728:31
Physical new earth

Physical new earth

The New Heaven and Earth is physical, reflected in the resurrection of the body and the restoration of creation.
21 Jan, 2017