The parable of the cupboard and Genesis 1:29–30A simple parable about Genesis 1:29–30 can be useful in explaining the Scriptural position on animal death, suffering and carnivory prior to the Fall.Article08 Sep, 2020
How did bad things come about?Why is there so much death in the world? Is God responsible for it? How should Christians answer questions about why evil exists? This week on Creation Magazine LIVE! we consider the difficulty answering these questions if Genesis is not historical.Podcast02 Sep, 202024:47
A Review of A Civic BiologyThe 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial pitted evolution and creation against each other in the courtroom. A Civic Biology was at the heart of the debate.Article01 Sep, 2020
Same old song and danceWhy do evolutionary hoaxes and fakery continue to be taught? Some of the worst examples of this are explored on this week's episode.Podcast26 Aug, 202024:18
Why Christianity is trueIs it reasonable to be a Christian? What is the evidence that the Bible is really the 'word of God'? This episode of Creation Magazine LIVE! summarizes basic truths showing that Christianity is a logical, rational faith and not at all a blind faith.Podcast19 Aug, 202024:36
William Lane Craig creation and anthropologyResponding to recent William Lane Craig statements about creation and the historical Adam and Eve.Article13 Aug, 2020
Astronomy, the Big Bang and creationIs the big bang the only possible explanation for what we see in the heavens? How observations in astronomy fit with the Bible -- this week on Creation Magazine LIVE!Podcast12 Aug, 202024:29
Responding to liberal scholarship on BehemothResponding to the liberal scholarship on the Behemoth of Job 40, who claim Job 40:17 is a euphemistic reference to a bull’s male organs.Article04 Aug, 2020
How to graduate with your faith intact (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-12)Many students reject Christianity by university, but increasing numbers retain their faith. We reveal the highly effective tips that can help students thrive.Video29 Jul, 202028:41
How to graduate with your faith intactMany students reject Christianity by university, but increasing numbers retain their faith. We reveal the highly effective tips that made the difference.Podcast29 Jul, 202024:41
Red flags regarding Michael HeiserMichael Heiser has a reputation as an Evangelical semitic language scholar, but he departs from Evangelical doctrine in serious waysArticle23 Jul, 2020
Creative Genesis InterpretationsWere the events in Genesis actually historical? Where can we look for clues on how to interpret Genesis?Podcast22 Jul, 202024:44
Review: ‘Theistic Evolution’A review of Theistic Evolution: A scientific, philosophical, and theological critique.Article17 Jul, 2020
Exposing the truth about creationistsSkeptics claim Christians can’t do real science because of their faith and some believers say we don’t need science, just faith. So, do we believe 6-day creation because of science or because of the Bible?Video15 Jul, 202028:41
Exposing the truth about creationistsSkeptics claim Christians can’t do real science because of their faith and some believers say we don’t need science, just faith. So, do we believe 6-day creation because of science or because of the Bible?Podcast15 Jul, 202025:12