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Atheism plants and gas giants

Atheism plants and gas giants

CMI gets questions and comments on all sorts of issues. This week we showcase some of that variety, with questions on topics from atheism to astronomy.
03 Sep, 2011
Lucy atheism science

Lucy atheism science

It was unlikely that Australopithecus afarensis walked upright, and atheism and evolution have hindered science.
27 Aug, 2011
Stereotype atheists

Stereotype atheists

Atheists have no rational basis for morality, nor is there solid evidence for evolution or the big bang.
23 Apr, 2011
Five concise responses to atheistic arguments

Five concise responses to atheistic arguments

Rob Carter summarizes five responses to common atheistic arguments about evolution and the big bang.
26 Mar, 2011
What all atheists have to believe

What all atheists have to believe

Biblical creationism helps neutralize the three key beliefs all atheists must hold, thus blocking a ready path to apostasy.
17 Mar, 2011
Is Atheism a religion?

Is Atheism a religion?

Atheism can truly be defined as a religion, e.g. because it fulfills the seven dimensions of religion set forth by Ninian Smart.
04 May, 2010
Atheists credit Christianity

Atheists credit Christianity

High-profile atheists Roy Hattersley and Matthew Parris concede that to get practical help to the poor and liberate them from poverty you need Christianity
13 Apr, 2010
Countering atheism

Countering atheism

Creation Ministries International ran a major seminar, Countering the Rise of Atheism, to respond to the atheists 2010 world conference in Melbourne.
16 Mar, 2010
global atheists reject debate challenge

global atheists reject debate challenge

March 2010 is the Global Atheist Convention in Melbourne, Australia, including Richard Dawkins. Creation Ministries International has issued a challenge/invitation to a public creation-evolution debate that has been turned down.
01 Jan, 2010
Suicidal atheist converts to Christ

Suicidal atheist converts to Christ

22 Aug, 2009


atheism: a critical examination of its causes and effects
18 Jun, 2009
Evolution—the ultimate antidote to spirituality

Evolution—the ultimate antidote to spirituality

The Bible says “God is spirit”. Evolution says “the spirit realm isn’t real”. They can’t both be right.
15 Jun, 2009
Answering the new atheists

Answering the new atheists

27 Apr, 2009
Answering uninformed atheists on DNA complexity

Answering uninformed atheists on DNA complexity

28 Feb, 2009
Genesis: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

Genesis: The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

Millions of years of death, disease and bloodshed before Adam contradicts the clear teaching of the Bible, where death occurred because of the event of Adam sinning.
06 Jan, 2009
Atheists to do religious education in schools

Atheists to do religious education in schools

19 Dec, 2008