Angry Thomas Nagel critics rage onMaterialism, science, philosophy, reductionism, mind, evolution, Thomas Nagel, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins.Article27 Mar, 2014
Surprise atheist studySurprise result when atheist student asked about journey to unbeliefArticle09 Sep, 2013
DefinitionsKey terms such as natural law, miracle, and methodological naturalism have been modified or invented in ways that slant the rules of engagement between Christianity and secularism against Christianity.Article23 Aug, 2013
Atheism-theism brain splitNeurologist Vilayanur S. Ramachandran claims certain brains are split between atheism and theism.Article15 Jun, 2013
Intolerance of New AtheistsBrother of misotheist Christopher Hitchens highlights the devastating effects of atheismArticle10 May, 2013
Atheism and familiesContrary to assertions made by Grierson in “Psychology Today” magazine, atheists are intolerant extremists, and their numbers are declining in academia.Article17 Jan, 2013
Answering reasonable atheist philosophical questionsAtheist argues that meaning and morality are possible without GodArticle30 Sep, 2012
Atheists in the pulpitThere are numerous pastors receiving salaries from churches, yet they do not believe in God. Dr Albert Mohler takes these atheistArticle05 Sep, 2012
Dont bother meAtheism provides no basis for freedom of religion, or any other freedom; such freedoms have only come as a result of Christian influence.Article05 Aug, 2012
Darwin’s arguments against GodAlthough Darwin in his youth admired Paleys argument for design, he spent most of his life trying to explain design in nature, without the need for any purpose or a guiding intelligence.Article13 Jun, 2008
Animal numbers ark amoral atheismThe different kinds on the Ark would have approximated the Linnaean family, so there would have been enough room on the Ark, and atheism has no logical grounding for morality.Article26 Feb, 2012
atheist miraclesMiracles, impossible, irrational, illogical, science, rational, faith, worldviewArticle10 Nov, 2011
15 Questions for EvolutionistsThe teaching of biological evolution in science classes amounts to the teaching of a materialistic religion based on arguments that lack scientific merit.Article11 Sep, 2011
Christians atheists other religionsHow creationists should evangelize informed atheists, and Christians are notArticle10 Sep, 2011