The lies we are told, the truth we must hold: a reviewWe are told lies, but we must hold the truth. Worldviews have their consequences.Article31 Mar, 2022
Review of The Secular Creed: Engaging five contemporary claimsThe secular creed reviews Black Lives Matter, gay and women’s rights, and transgenderism from a biblical perspective.Article30 Dec, 2021
When atheism seems easyWhen amoral atheism seems easy to believe, we need to share our struggles rather than get trapped in philosophy.Article30 Dec, 2017
Five atheist miraclesFive major examples of materialists/atheists believing in magic and miracles without a sufficient explanation.Article21 Apr, 2016
Did morality evolve?Answering the claim that morality can arise through a naturalistic evolutionary process.Article23 Oct, 2021
Long ages of time is atheists bedrock and launch padThe billions-of-years age of the earth (hailing from Charles Lyell’s uniformitarianism) is fundamentally atheism’s “bedrock and launch pad”.Article09 Mar, 2021
When we let the doubts winTo trust God again after letting the doubts win, we mustArticle21 Nov, 2020
Scopes at 100The 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial pitted evolution and creation against each other in the courtroom.Article25 Aug, 2020
The deep inconsistency of evolutionism, revealed amid the COVID-19 crisisStephen Asma, a philosophy professor, released an opinion piece in the New York Times that shows the inconsistency of evolutionism.Article05 May, 2020
Amino acids produced in hydrothermal vents?Abiotic tryptophan in hydrothermal vents, chemical evolution.Article25 Apr, 2020
Wise use of smart devices and social media in a secular ageThe digital world, with social media platforms and smart phones, requires smart use, to avoid nomophobia and unhelpful worldview indoctrination.Article23 Jan, 2020
Hitler's ReligionHitler was an evolutionary atheist or pantheist; a review of Hitlers Religion by Richard WeikartArticle14 Dec, 2018
Richard Dawkins is releasing an atheist children's bookRichard Dawkins is releasing an atheist children’s book laced with blasphemy.Article30 Oct, 2018
Why antitheists are forced to believe in antiscienceIn a highly organised universe, the ordered becomes disordered, like a clock winding down.Article14 May, 2018
Atheists prayer answeredJohn Smith, the soldier turned lawyer who cried out to God for help and had his prayers answered through creation evangelism.Article12 Dec, 2017