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A 5D spherically symmetric expanding universe is young

A 5D spherically symmetric expanding universe is young

06 Nov, 2008
Panspermia theory burned to a crisp: bacteria couldn't survive on meteorite

Panspermia theory burned to a crisp: bacteria couldn't survive on meteorite

10 Oct, 2008
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC): will a black hole swallow us?

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC): will a black hole swallow us?

12 Sep, 2008
Is there any evidence for a change in c?

Is there any evidence for a change in c?

10 Jul, 2008
MOND over dark matter?

MOND over dark matter?

05 Jun, 2008
The elements of the universe point to creation

The elements of the universe point to creation

Did big bang nucleosynthesis successfully predict the cosmic H/He abundance, together with the subsidiary claims
10 Apr, 2008
Earth is 'too special'?

Earth is 'too special'?

Much evidence contradicts the philosophical assumption called the Cosmological Principle—that there is no special place or direction in the universe.
17 Sep, 2007
Planets and migrating theories

Planets and migrating theories

13 Feb, 2007
In the middle of the action

In the middle of the action

29 Jan, 2007
Evidence of a watery origin for the solar system

Evidence of a watery origin for the solar system

Water is abundant and widespread in the Solar System and in the universe, supporting the Bibles account that creation began with water.
07 Nov, 2006
Nobel Prize for alleged Big Bang Proof

Nobel Prize for alleged Big Bang Proof

WMAP COBE fluctuations do not prove the big bang.
07 Oct, 2006
Other solar systems challenge evolution

Other solar systems challenge evolution

02 Oct, 2006
Dark matter and a cosmological constant in a creationist cosmology?

Dark matter and a cosmological constant in a creationist cosmology?

This new cosmological model does away with the need for dark energy or dark matter to explain the movement of stars in galaxies.
28 Sep, 2006
The Big Bang fails another test

The Big Bang fails another test

15 Sep, 2006
Has 'dark matter' really been proven?

Has 'dark matter' really been proven?

Has ‘dark matter’ really been proven
08 Sep, 2006
Evolutionist debater fails to understand young-earth arguments

Evolutionist debater fails to understand young-earth arguments

A young supporter asks some questions about young-earth evidence raised by an evolutionary debater. The response points out some of the evolutionist’s misunderstandings and even outright errors, and the role of axioms in the debate.
17 Jun, 2006