Arguments for God


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If God created the universe then who created God

If God created the universe then who created God

If God created the universe, then who created God?
01 Jan, 2025
Signposts to God

Signposts to God

Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).
12 Aug, 2024
Evaluating Hume's 'Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion'

Evaluating Hume's 'Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion'

An evaluation of David Humes Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion shows that it does not undermine the design inference.
05 Apr, 2024
Dawkins and Design

Dawkins and Design

Dawkins on Expelled by Ben Stein accepts that aliens might have designed us, but not the biblical God.
21 Apr, 2009
Who created God?

Who created God?

Atheists believe that the universe and life began with no adequate cause, contradicting rationality, because everything that has a beginning must have a sufficient cause, here the supernatural Creator
30 Aug, 2010
Review: 'Return of the God Hypothesis' by Stephen Meyer

Review: 'Return of the God Hypothesis' by Stephen Meyer

A review of Return of the God Hypothesis by Stephen Meyer.
14 Apr, 2023
No evidence for God?

No evidence for God?

Claiming there is no evidence for God is a radical claim which we can respond to in several ways.
06 Apr, 2023
Why must God be good?

Why must God be good?

God is being perfectly good is a feature of nothing possibly being greater than God.
28 Mar, 2023
Laws of cause and explanation

Laws of cause and explanation

There are good arguments for some versions of the principle of cause and effect and the principle of sufficient reason.
18 Mar, 2023
Are babies programmed to learn?

Are babies programmed to learn?

Baby brains are programmed for learning any language in the world and many other things, even before birth.
21 Nov, 2022
How does God relate to time?

How does God relate to time?

God is eternal, but Scripture doesnt explain how God relates to time. Moreover, God can be timeless and personal.
01 Apr, 2017
Could monkeys type the 23 Psalm?

Could monkeys type the 23 Psalm?

Could monkeys type the 23rd Psalm? No, not even if there were an infinite number of monkeys and the time available was infinite.
05 Jul, 2009
Positive case for creation

Positive case for creation

Do creationists present only god-of-the-gaps arguments and criticize evolution, or is there positive evidence for creation?
08 Mar, 2022
Biblical reliability: response to critic

Biblical reliability: response to critic

Is the Bible trustworthy and reliable? Response to critic, covering canon, contradictions, ritual purity laws, miracles, and science.
05 Mar, 2022
Kalam cosmological argument: a good argument?

Kalam cosmological argument: a good argument?

The Kalam cosmological argument could be a bad argument even if it is logically sound.
26 Feb, 2022
Process theism and biblical creation

Process theism and biblical creation

Process theism contradicts the Bible, because it says God needs nothing, and implies He made the world from nothing.
11 Jun, 2016