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How old are Göbekli Tepe and the Lost City of Dwarka?

How old are Göbekli Tepe and the Lost City of Dwarka?

Göbekli Tepe and Lost City of Dwarka dates do not fit Genesis timeline for Creation or Flood.
23 Dec, 2021
Is the Birka Pinhead a plesiosaur?

Is the Birka Pinhead a plesiosaur?

A Viking pinhead from Birka, Sweden is highly reminiscent of a plesiosaur, consistent with the biblical history of dinosaurs.
13 Dec, 2021
Oldest example of applied geometry

Oldest example of applied geometry

Si. 427 Old Babylonian cuneiform clay tablet demonstrates trigonometry, mathematics and survey linking to Plimpton 322
16 Sep, 2021
Antikythera Mechanism

Antikythera Mechanism

antikythera mechanism ancient greek analogue computer predicts planetary motions contradicts evolutionary presuppositions of human development
30 Aug, 2021
Where did the Israelites cross the “Red Sea”?

Where did the Israelites cross the “Red Sea”?

The Red Sea crossing point could have been at the Bitter Lakes, Suez, Aqaba, or Nuweiba. The biblical list of campsites helps, but the answers are inconclusive.
20 Jul, 2021


Nimrod, Sargon of Akkad, Babel, Babylon, Language
06 Jul, 2021
Who is wrong about the biblical date of the Flood, and the Great Pyramids?  Somebody must be wrong somewhere…

Who is wrong about the biblical date of the Flood, and the Great Pyramids? Somebody must be wrong somewhere…

Pyramids - How they fit into the true biblical history.
05 Jun, 2021
What is the point of Egypt’s pyramids?

What is the point of Egypt’s pyramids?

The pyramids of Egypt may be a testimony to Noah’s Flood.
30 Apr, 2021
Adam, Eve, Noah and the Flood—in Ancient Egypt?

Adam, Eve, Noah and the Flood—in Ancient Egypt?

Ancient Egyptian’s knowledge of Creation, Adam, Eve, Noah and the Flood.
13 Feb, 2021
Ancient doodles in stone represent intriguing Ice-Age art

Ancient doodles in stone represent intriguing Ice-Age art

Archaeologists discovered a small stone plaque, with intriguing abstract marks, possibly including Mammoth, Bison and horse in Jersey.
22 Oct, 2020
Stonehenge and the new discovery of Durrington’s mile-wide circle

Stonehenge and the new discovery of Durrington’s mile-wide circle

Archaeologists uncover structure at Stonehenge testifying to ancient man’s ingenuity.
29 Jun, 2020
The world’s oldest alphabet

The world’s oldest alphabet

Archaeological evidence from Egypt and Sinai Peninsula suggests the first alphabet was developed by the Hebrews, not the Phoenicians.
04 Jun, 2020
Canaanite Hazor

Canaanite Hazor

Archaeology supports the biblical picture of Hazor as a major city in Joshua and Judges.
11 May, 2020
Was Pharaoh Shoshoni—the plunderer of Jerusalem?

Was Pharaoh Shoshoni—the plunderer of Jerusalem?

Does the evidence in Egypt line up with the Bible’s account of the Hebrews?
28 Apr, 2020


Stonehenge was built some time after the Babel incident, possibly as a ceremonial site for pagan worship.
17 Feb, 2020
Ancient Roman concrete

Ancient Roman concrete

Roman marine concrete provides an insight into how the world’s Flood deposits quickly hardened into enduring sedimentary landforms
27 Jan, 2020