Historical Science, Chaos Theory, and the sliding scale of trustWe explore the connections between Ian Malcolms Chaos Theory in Jurassic Park and historical science and forensics.Article01 Oct, 2020
Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton interviewLindy Chamberlain-Creighton of the infamous dingo trial is a believer in biblical creation, and a living witness to the folly of trusting forensic science without question.Article26 Aug, 2013
The parable of the cupboard and Genesis 1:29–30A simple parable about Genesis 1:29–30 can be useful in explaining the Scriptural position on animal death, suffering and carnivory prior to the Fall.Article08 Sep, 2020
Why Christianity is trueIs it reasonable to be a Christian? What is the evidence that the Bible is really the 'word of God'? This episode of Creation Magazine LIVE! summarizes basic truths showing that Christianity is a logical, rational faith and not at all a blind faith.Podcast19 Aug, 202024:36
William Lane Craig creation and anthropologyResponding to recent William Lane Craig statements about creation and the historical Adam and Eve.Article13 Aug, 2020
Fossil flip-flopEven after careful inspection fossils can be misinterpreted because a scientists assumptions of what could be affect what he actually sees.Article12 Jun, 2013
Responding to liberal scholarship on BehemothResponding to the liberal scholarship on the Behemoth of Job 40, who claim Job 40:17 is a euphemistic reference to a bull’s male organs.Article04 Aug, 2020
Red flags regarding Michael HeiserMichael Heiser has a reputation as an Evangelical semitic language scholar, but he departs from Evangelical doctrine in serious waysArticle23 Jul, 2020
Making sense of science, faith and Genesis (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-01)Is creation/evolution a side issue for Christians? Does it have any impact on the Gospel? We’ll provide some clarity about the links between scientific discoveries and beliefs about the creation/evolution issue.Video29 Feb, 202028:41
Question evolution apologeticsDarwin’s birthday should be a day to question evolution! How should we present the truth?Article13 Feb, 2020
Did dinosaurs live after the flood?Wow, there really is evidence that dinosaurs lived after the flood, but the flood was less than 5000 years ago.Video15 Jan, 202028:30
Why should we trust the Bible?Biblical authority has been called the ‘issue of issues’ for Christians. This episode summarizes historical milestones that have led away from biblical authority.Video01 Jan, 202028:30
Christianity and Newtonian scienceNatural laws come from Gods will, not natures necessity, meaning we must study nature to know its structure.Article15 Nov, 2019
Deconstructing Darwin: Darwin’s real messageStephen Jay Gould on Darwins real message.Article04 Mar, 2009
The universe of the lone brainThere’s no evidence for multiple universes but evolutionists invoke them to explain why we exist.Article25 Mar, 2019