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A new age of quantum madness

A new age of quantum madness

You and I helped shape the universe’s physical laws? The physical world is only real because we create it? Ideas that owe more to anti-God eastern religion than science are increasingly being taken seriously by top scientists.
14 Aug, 2007
C.S. Lewis and evolution

C.S. Lewis and evolution

Popular 20th century apologist C.S. Lewis questioned evolution more and more throughout his life.
27 Apr, 2007


Does recent science experiment in sonoluminescence really prove that God spoke the world into existence?
25 Feb, 2007
Mangling misotheism

Mangling misotheism

27 Jan, 2007
The Haggard tragedy

The Haggard tragedy

When a vocal defender of the Bible’s authority, even one who attacks evolution, is morally disgraced in the public eye, what does that say about the link between evolution and morality?
09 Nov, 2006
The Hypocrisy of Intolerant 'Tolerance'

The Hypocrisy of Intolerant 'Tolerance'

schoolgirl failed for refusing to write homosexual assignment, exposing the intolerance of the new tolerance
27 Oct, 2006
Human and dinosaur fossil footprints?

Human and dinosaur fossil footprints?

Careful study of dinosaur trackways reaches amazing conclusions. Prints and sediment point to abnormal stress on animal communities. See what it means.
12 Oct, 2006
What? A Christian mind?

What? A Christian mind?

What? A Christian mind?
31 Jul, 2006
Huff and Bluff

Huff and Bluff

Leading media physicist Paul Davies is puzzled. He realizes that ‘stupid atoms’ can’t generate the information required for living things. But he is unwilling to accept creation, so he tries to use quantum mechanics as a way out.
19 Jun, 2006